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Anglo American Group Foundation Grants 2017

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Forest & Environment,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Welfare,Others

The Anglo American Group Foundation was founded in 2005 and is funded by Anglo American plc, one of the world’s largest mining companies, which prides itself on being a responsible business partner. Anglo American seeks to ensure that its impacts contribute to sustainable livelihoods in the communities in which it operates and the Foundation was founded on the same principles. The Foundation is independent of the Anglo American group of companies, which means that neither Anglo American nor its subsidiaries can benefit from any charitable giving by the Foundation.

The Foundation prefers to fund specific projects or components of projects within the overall activities of an organisation that are a priority area in need of support. All projects submitted for consideration should have clearly defined objectives with quantifiable outcomes. All applications for funding are reviewed by the Board of Trustees.

The Foundation funds projects in those countries around the world in which Anglo American has operations, projects or representative offices:

UK          Brazil
Chile Colombia
Peru  China
India         Zimbabwe

It does not support projects in South Africa, where funding is handled by the award-winning Anglo American Chairman’s Fund.

In the UK, the Foundation supports projects close to Anglo American’s head office in London, in the boroughs of Westminster, Southwark and Lambeth.

Funding Criteria

The Foundation’s main objective is to promote sustainable livelihoods and its main areas of interest are:

Community development
Education and training
HIV/AIDS and welfare
The Foundation only funds registered charities and does not support:

Animal charities                   Hospital trusts
Armed forces charities           Individuals
Community Interest Companies   Music festivals and choirs
Educational fees                   Political or quasi-political bodies
Expeditions overseas Religious organisations (other than community outreach)
General health charities       Trades unions
For further information visit:

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