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Glenn-American Federation Seeks LOIs for Breakthroughs in Gerontology Awards-Eligibility

Funds for NGOs
Last date 15 Dec 2015

Activities: Others

To be eligible, applicants must at the time they submit their proposal be full-time faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher. A strong record of independent publication beyond the postdoctoral level is a requirement. Individuals who are employees in the NIH Intramural program are not eligible.
The proposed research must be conducted at any type of not-for-profit setting in the United States. Former AFAR Research Grant awardees may apply. If you are applying for a 2016 AFAR Research Grant, you may not also apply for the 2016 Glenn/AFAR BIG Award.
Questions about eligibility and suitability of research project can be addressed to
Applications are reviewed based on the following criteria:
  • Qualifications and research record of the applicant
  • Quality, promise and feasibility of the proposed research
  • Translational potential and relevance to human aging and health span
  • Excellence of the research environment

Priority will be given to proposals that have a near-term potential for translation.
Application Procedures
The deadline of receipt of the Letters of Intent (LOI) is December 15, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Please refer to the Glenn/AFAR BIG LOI for instructions. Incomplete or improperly completed LOIs cannot be considered.  
All LOIs should be submitted as PDFs through the website The Letters of Intent will be reviewed by a committee.  Applicants will be notified by mid-February, and a subset of applicants will be invited to submit a full application. The deadline for receipt of full applications will be late-March 2016.
All LOI candidates who are invited to submit applications must have it endorsed by their institution. Final awards are announced by early June. The award start date is July 1, 2016. AFAR will not provide reviewer critiques to any applicants at any review level.
If you are using animals in your research, please review Principles of Animal Use for Gerontological Research.

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