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Emapanelment of NGOs - National CSR Hub - TISS -2

Activities: Others


Applicants are requested to note that the empanelment is a time consuming process. The Empanelment Committee undertakes an exhaustive, detailed and multi-layered scrutiny and we request your patience in this regard.

The empanelment process aims to provide CPSEs with a list of reliable and credible organisations as partners for CSR activities. The empanelment process is designed to serve the requirements of CPSEs. The National Corporate Social Responsibility (NCSR) Hub shall empanel those organisations that are people-centric, have experience and expertise in a specific field and have a planned approach to developmental activities with a specific focus on the welfare and rights of the vulnerable groups in society.

Please note that applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis. Those applications that are fully complete with all relevant documents attached, are processed first.

At the National CSR Hub, the processing of applications is done in a fair manner selecting older applications and those that are complete applications. The National CSR Hub is committed to ensuring speedy, intensive and just scrutiny of applications for empanelment.

Only completed application forms shall be processed for scrutiny by the Empanelment Committee.

Communication is initiated with applicants only during scrutiny of applications or whenever the Empanelment Committee thinks appropriate. All applicants shall be informed of the Committee’s decision after scrutiny. Meanwhile, the Empanelment Team shall revert in case of requirement of additional details or documents or during processing your application.

Non mention of an organization on the list of empanelled agencies does not imply rejection/disqualification/de-listing from the Hub. It simply implies that a particular application is still under scrutiny. All applicants shall be notified as and when the Empanelment Committee thinks it appropriate.

The status of empanelment, whether accepted, rejected or withheld, will be communicated to all applicants. The list of empanelled organizations shall be shared with CPSEs that have signed MoU with the National CSR Hub.

Applicants are requested not to follow up on applications. The National CSR Hub shall NOT entertain queries of status of empanelment and/or with regard to explaining reasons for non-empanelment. The empanelment team shall revert after a list of empanelled agencies is formally announced by the Committee.

The Empanelment Committee shall accept and scrutinize only those forms that are fully completed and have attached all the specified financial documents.

Applicants are requested to send all documents together, at one time.

The decision of the Empanelment Committee shall be final and binding. All forms will be thoroughly scrutinized by the Empanelment Committee (including a financial team) in consonance with the criteria formulated, which shall be in sync with the larger objectives and goals of NCSR Hub, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and as per the guidelines laid down by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE).

Failure to meet criteria of empanelment, furnishing of incomplete application form, furnishing of false information shall lead to disqualification.

Any partner agency found to have engaged in irregularities of any form shall be de-listed by NCSR Hub. Also, inconsistencies of partner agencies with the larger vision of NCSR Hub may amount to disqualification.

Documents should be sent ONLY THROUGH REGISTERED POST to:






MUMBAI- 400088

Please note that follow up on empanelment status is strictly discouraged at the Hub. The Empanelment Team shall revert during scrutiny of applications or at any other period as and when deemed relevant.

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