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Women’s Water Fund

Activities: Women/Gender,Water/Climate

Women’s Water Fund
December 2010 / AK/HAB
Career advancement for women in the water sector
The objective: The objective of the Women’s Water Fund is to support women from developing countries in advancing their career opportunities in the development and management of water resources. The Women’s Water Fund has been created at the initiative of DHI and has initially been funded by the “King Hassan II Great World Water Prize” presented to Professor Torkil Jønch Clausen of DHI at the Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico in 2006.

Target groups are women in (or on their way into) middle management positions and the Fund seeks to provide programme participants with insight and inspiration that can help them advance into more senior management positions. The Fund’s career programme builds upon Danish expertise in water and environmental management, its international applications, as well as in organizational management in the water sector.

The Fund supports short capacity building visits to Denmark. The visits will include a combination of formal training and inspirational “hands-on” interaction with managers in public authorities and in the water industry. All travel, accommodation and living costs are covered by the Fund. It is the intention that the Fund will contribute to a longer duration contact and support to the selected candidates. 

The capacity building visits include:
i) participation in short courses on water resources and environmental technologies and management;
ii) inspirational visits to Danish organisations in the field of water and a one week internship in one of those organisations; and
iii) a subsequent mentoring component that includes a senior Danish manager as mentor for each candidate. The mentoring function is intended to be continued for at least one year after the visit in Denmark in a long distance support relationship.

A Diploma will be issued by the Governing Board of the Fund at the end of the visit to Denmark.

The present Call comprises

A two weeks Training and Management Internship Programme in Denmark, April 30 – May 15, 2011.
The present Call/study visit for April/May 2011 is intended for women from developing countries in Africa, Asia Pacific or Latin America who meet the following criteria:

Professional background in a water related discipline, at least at Master’s level
Minimum 5-7 years of working experience, Fluency in English, Present employment in managerial or leadership positions in government, private company or NGO (academic careers are not supported by the Fund)
Applications shall include:

Background of candidate, including full bio-data/Curricula Vitae
Motivation for application
Possible letters of recommendation


Last date January 21, 2011
The selection of successful candidates, and replies to all applicants, will be made by the end of February 2011.  For further details, you contact 

Hanne Berthelsen

 or see the Call for applications at the following link:


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