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THETs New Grant Scheme to Support Links

Activities: Education

Last Date 18th February 2011 5PM

THET is committed to improving health services in developing countries through strengthening long-term capacity. Based in the UK, we have over twenty years experience working with health institutions around the world, promoting action that is practical, sustainable and responsive.

THET's history: THET (Tropical Health and Education Trust) was established in 1988 by Professor Eldryd Parry, to address the substantial needs of medical schools and hospitals in developing countries. In particular, it became necessary to respond to the significant gaps in undergraduate and postgraduate health education – nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, laboratory science and many other disciplines.

THET has developed a new grant scheme to support Links improve global health outcomes for people living in poverty through more coordinated link activities. Four grants of £20 000 are available to long-term health partnerships, or ‘Health Links’, between UK health institutions and their counterparts in developing countries.

To apply, the Links must meet institutional and country eligibility criteria. In addition to meeting these criteria, the project proposal must also:

    Involve more than one institutional Link
    Focus on a single, coherent and time-bound project
    Focus on improving health outcomes for people living in poverty
    Strengthen ties between Links working in similar geographical or clinical areas

The grant application process is threefold. Interested parties are invited to submit a completed expression of interest form by 5.00pm on 18th of February 2011.  Shortlisted applicants will be contacted in mid March and invited to submit a full written project proposal and present their proposal to an independent selection panel which will award the grants. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted in mid March and successful applicants will be announced at the end of May 2011.

For further application details, please contact Rhonwyn Cornell at

The guidelines (including the eligibility criteria) and the expression of interest form are available for download here:

                   Expression of Interest Guidelines

                   Expression of Interest Form


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