NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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World Water Day 2011

 EARTH, an ngo in Orissa has observed World Water Day 2011.  The report is in the following link

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Nestle - Prize in Creating Shared Value

Nestlé opens nominations for 2012 Prize in Creating Shared Value The Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value is open to projects that help improve access to, or management of, water. Nestlé today opened nominations for its 2012 Prize in Creating Shared Value at the Inter...

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World of Children Awards 2011

World of Children Annual Awards ProgramThe World of Children Awards program was created to recognize and elevate those selfless individuals who make a difference in the lives of children here in the USA and across the globe, regardless of political, religious or geographical boundaries. These courag...

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India NGO Award 2010: Call for entries - Last Date 15 Feb 2011

15th February 2011 Last Date India NGO Award 2010: Call for entriesThe Resource Alliance and the Rockefeller Foundation are pleased to invite applications for the India NGO Awards 2010. The Awards has been instituted in 2006 to recognize and facilitate those (Non Governmental Organisations) NGO...

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NGO VACANCIES is a site for NGOs in India and abroad.  NGOportal is in the top ranking (Ngo management) of Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines .NGOportal is accessed in 109 countriesNGOportal has more than 1100 registered ngos in India and also  has a large number of individ...

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