NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Zo Indigenous Forum

Zo Indigenous Forum is a Non-governmental Organization, a voluntary and non-profit making agency, and have no any political affiliation, it is established for the Zo People living in the world, who we...
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(i) Food self-reliance in Mizoram. (ii) To provide effective sources of income to the below poverty line and Mizo farmers in assisting, financing, supporting in grants, loans without interes...
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New Life Charity Society

To promote – i). Community Health and Development ii). Prevention & Awareness, Support & Care of Drug Addict, HIV/AIDS, and People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). iii). Welf...
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Save, Help & Develop (SHADE)

We are running Day Care Centres for Older Persons in Mizoram covering 4 Districts viz -Aizawl, Champhai, Kolasib & Mamit; Youth Project using Performing Arts/Cultural Activities in and outside s...
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Ferrando Integrated Women Development Centre

VISION: We Envision a society where women and children live the fullness of life with dignity and justice as inspired by the Gospel Message, St. John 10:10 "that they may have life, life in abund...
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Social Justice and Development India

Empower people with their dignity and their right...
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Goodwill Foundation

Our objective is to uplift the marginalised section of society. Our Mission is to achieve holistic development of society through empowerment by organizing people, building their capacity to use thei...
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