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Manos Unidas

About the Organisation:

Manos Unidas is. . .
The Association of the Catholic Church in Spain for support, promotion and development of the Third World. It, in turn, an NGO for Development (NGO) of volunteers, Catholic and secular. 

Mission:Fighting hunger, poor nutrition, poverty, disease, underdevelopment and lack of education, 
and work to eradicate the structural causes that produce them: injustice, unequal distribution of wealth and opportunities between people and people , ignorance, prejudice, lack of solidarity, the indifference and the crisis of human and Christian values ??(Statutes, article 5).

View: Our vision, whose foundation is the Gospel and the social teaching of the Church is that every person, man and woman, by virtue of their dignity and fundamental equality, is capable of being, by itself, the operator responsible for the material improvement its moral progress and spiritual development, and enjoy a life worthy.

Values: The culture that guides our organization and resource management consists of the following values ?

Final values:
The dignity of the person, shaft and foundation of all social, economic, political and cultural project.
  • The universal destination of goods, aimed at ensuring decent living conditions for all .
  • The common good, which is considered achieved when human rights are guaranteed, respected and promoted.
  • Solidarity, as a strong determination to work for justice, organized and persistent way through life worthy of the poorest people on earth, Africa, Asia and America.
  • Subsidiarity, not imposing our way of seeing and doing things, but in response to demands of women and men of the people of South and sharing with them the responsibility for their own development.
Instrumental values:
  • Volunteering as a culture of service and gratuity, as an alternative to the competitiveness and economism, in order to more just and fraternal society transformation. The volunteer assumes the responsibilities of governing bodies and management.
  •  The austerity in spending and consumption-oriented sharing and the development of sustainable life styles, respectful of the environment.
  •  The culture of peace, built on dialogue, reconciliation, friendship and respect for life, not cooperating in any way with war, partisan or involving violence to humans or nature actions.
  •  Cooperation and coordination with other organizations in the South to meet the requests of all people suffering exclusion, regardless of sex, race, country or religión.La independence of action in choosing awareness campaigns and support development projects.
  •  The quality and professionalism in all its activities.
  •  Transparency in the recruitment, management and administration of resources, in order to greater economic independence.
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