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Warwick-India Scholarships scheme- MA programme in PAIS in October 2014

Activities: Education

PAIS is delighted to confirm that as part of the Warwick-India Scholarships scheme, we are able to provide one full-fee scholarship to an Indian student entering an MA programme in PAIS in October 2014.

Eligibility & Deadlines
Open to Indian applicants on all PAIS MA programmes, including the Warwick year on the Double Degrees (Warwick year only). Diploma candidates are not eligible for this award.
Candidates must be regularly resident in India to qualify.
Candidates must apply to the university and have paid their application fee no later no later than 30 April 2014. Please submit your application to the MA programme before submitting your scholarship application.
Candidates must apply for the scholarship no later than 30 April 2014.
All supporting documentation for the university application, including references, must be received no later than 14 May 2014.
Successful candidates must obtain an offer from the university before taking up the award.
Candidates may apply concurrently to other funding sources; however, successful candidates who receive major tuition funding elsewhere (eg, the Warwick International Office scholarship) will be disqualified.
Entry Criteria
Each application will be judged on the following merits:

Outstanding academic performance
Outstanding case for support
Interesting and relevant individual attributes (eg, background, relevant work experience, extracurricular activities, etc)
Quality of the application statement--is it concise, well-articulated, engaging, etc
Please note that this is not a needs-based scholarship, so your financial situation will not be taken into account.
Application Guidelines
The primary factor determining an application's success is the strength of the case for support. This case for support should demonstrate why you fit the above criteria as well as reflect your motivations for choosing to do a postgraduate degree in your specialisation. Your case for support should be no more than 800 words in length and should differ from the statement of purpose submitted with your application to the university.

The application forms are now available for download here  They should be completed and submitted via email to Melissa Venables ( later 30 April 2014.

We aim to make a decision on applications within six weeks of the closing date. If you have not received the results of your application within seven weeks of the closing date, you may assume your application was not successful.
Also see:
         Team Building Activities 

        Principles of Team Building 

NB:NB: NGOportal provides the information to ngos and others and you are advised to cross checkthe information and know more about the Institutes/Universities before applying

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