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International Children Peace Prize 2017

Funds for NGOs Last date 17 March 2017

Activities: Children,Others

The  International Children's Peace Prize is awarded annually to an exceptional child, whose courageous or otherwise remarkable actions have made a difference in improving children’s rights, which helps children worldwide. The motivation behind the prize is to provide a platform to children to express their ideas and personal involvement in children’s rights. KidsRights feels that children should be recognized, awarded and motivated in their fierce efforts to improve their own situation and that of the children in their environment and even the world. 
The prize was launched by KidsRights during the 2005 World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates at the Capitol in Rome, chaired by Mikhail Gorbachev. Since then, the prize has been presented every year by a Nobel Peace Laureate. 
The winner receives the statuette 'Nkosi', which shows how a child sets the world in motion. The winner also receives a study and care grant and a worldwide platform to promote his or her ideals and causes to the benefit of children's rights. Furthermore, a project fund of €100,000 is invested by KidsRights in projects that are closely connected to the winners' area of work in the country of the winner.

The International Children’s Peace Prize is an initiative of Marc Dullaert, Chairman and Founder of the KidsRights Foundation
Nomination Process: Any person or organisation may nominate a child for review by the Expert Committee. To nominate a child a nomination form must be filled. All nominations should comply with the following requirements:
 An individual boy or girl (groups of children will not be considered);
Above 12 years and under 18 years of age; (the child should not be older than 17 years by the time of the nomination deadline)
From all over the world;
The child must have a clear history of standing up and fighting for the rights of him/herself and other children. It is important that the child has an active approach in accomplishing this goal, which has led to a concrete result;
Ability to travel abroad and feeling comfortable communicating with other people;
The child agrees to being nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize 
 For further clarifications you can write to 

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