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End Violence Against Children Fund 2017

Funds for NGOs, Funds for Indian NGOs
Last date 30 Sept 2017

Activities: Children,Others

End Violence Against Children Fund Introduction: Every year, at least a billion children are exposed to violence, while a child dies a violent death every five minutes. This epidemic of violence can no longer be ignored or tolerated.
Agenda 2030 makes an explicit, bold and universal commitment Rolex replica to ending violence against children, in all its forms, as part of an integrated agenda for investing in children and enabling them to reach their full potential. In target 16.2 and other violence-related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals,UN Member States commit to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking, torture and all forms of violence against children by 2030.
The Global Partnership to End Violence against Children and the associated Fund will support actions that realize this commitment by supporting those working to prevent and respond to violence, protect childhood and make societies safe for children.

This work will support the delivery of all other Sustainable Development Goals for children.
About the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children

The Global Partnership serves as a multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder platform to convene, support and coordinate efforts to implement target 16.2 and other targets related to violence against children. The Partnership’s approach is rights-based, child-centred and universal, based on the conviction that violence is preventable, not inevitable. With growing evidence of solutions that are effective for keeping children safe, the Partnership will look to implement the INSPIRE package of interventions that have been developed by the WHO in collaboration with other agencies with a long history of galvanizing a consistent, evidence-based approach to preventing violence against children. Using this, the Partnership offers an opportunity for governments, the UN, civil society, faith leaders, the private sector, philanthropists and foundations,researchers and academics and children themselves to work together to confront the unacceptable levels of violence faced by children worldwide.
About The Fund to End Violence Against Children: The Fund to End Violence Against Children (“the Fund”) launched together with the Global Partnership  in July 2016. It will initially provide financial support to programs which aim to further the Partnership’s second strategic goal of accelerating action to prevent and respond to the violence children face.
Specifically, the Fund will support programs in three priority areas:
Preventing online violence, with a particular focus on sexual exploitation;
Addressing violence in the every-day lives of children, with an initial focus on investments in
Pathfinder countries to implement evidence based programming; and

Addressing the prevention of violence against children facing conflict and crisis.
The Fund will use the INSPIRE package of interventions as an overarching framework across all three
priority areas. Furthermore, in recognition of the distinct challenges faced when protecting children online, the Fund has partnered with the WePROTECT Global Alliance to End Online Child Sexual Exploitation – the global initiative dedicated to tackling child sexual exploitation online. (Annex B) 

Call for Proposals July 2017 – Preventing online violence: Although children have long been exposed to violence and exploitation, the internet and new technologies have changed the opportunity, scale, form and impact of the abuse of young people everywhere. Globally, children face new dangers that are often poorly understood by policymakers and the public, and online sexual exploitation and abuse is one of the most urgent of these emerging risks.

Supported by grants from the Government of the United Kingdom and Human Dignity Foundation, and in partnership with the WePROTECT Global Alliance, the Fund to End Violence against Children is looking to fund organisations at the country, regional and global levels whose work seeks to achieve the intended impact of preventing violence against children online, with a particular focus on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).

Proposals are encouraged from:

1. Countries seeking to develop a national action plan to tackle online child sexual exploitation
Proposals supporting national action through the funding of national action plans based on the Model National Response (MNR) – as described in Annex B – are gladly received.

A strong application will be able to articulate the steps required to develop a Government led multistakeholder national action plan, which may include but is not limited to:
Download the Full Guidelines for more information click here 
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