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Communities Against Hate - Open Society Grant for US Organisations

Funds for NGOs Last date 15 Feb 2017

Activities: Others

Available to U.S. organizations responding to incidents of hate and deepening resiliency in local communities across the U.S.
This rapid-response initiative of the Open Society Foundations aims to support, protect, and empower those who are targets of hateful acts and rhetoric. The initiative is designed to bolster communities’ ability to resist the spread of hate and strengthen protections for their most vulnerable neighbors. We applaud the many local and national leaders, community-based organizations, and families who are rising to this challenge and reaffirming core American ideals. 

We expect that this initiative will serve direct resources quickly to organizations that are well positioned to provide support, services, technical assistance, and outreach to individuals and organizations dealing with acts of hate. We intend this program to respond to what communities believe is of greatest value to address the rise in hate incidents and other threats to vulnerable groups and thus intend to remain flexible and support an array of responses. We expect that they will include: direct services including legal, social services, and mental health supports such as those related to posttraumatic stress; protection of vulnerable nonprofit staff and organizational assets (e.g., data and communications security); efforts to work collaboratively across communities; collection of hate-incident data to further effectiveness in response and promote awareness of the issue; litigation; and public education and training programs.

We believe that community organizations are the front line in supporting and protecting targets of hate, preventing such incidents from occurring in the first place, and strengthening and empowering communities to be places of generosity, hope, inclusion, and tolerance. 

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