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Geodata for Agriculture and Water - How to Apply

Funds for International NGOs
Apply by 14 Sept 2017

Activities: Water/Climate,Others

Geodata for Agriculture and Water - How to Apply
Application procedure:The application procedure consists of two phases, the Request for advisory opinion and the Grant application. Submitting a Request for advisory opinion prior to submitting a Grant application is highly recommended, but not obligatory when applying for a G4AW grant.

Request for advisory opinion:In order to reduce the administrative burden, potential applicants may ask the Netherlands Space Office for its advisory opinion on their eligibility for a grant under this framework. This request should be submitted using the model advisory opinion request form, in which the applicant gives a general outline of the project idea (see Request for advisory opinion on the page 'Tender documents') and briefly describes the partnership, the target group’s needs, the business case and the information chain. The request should not exceed ten pages. The advisory opinion is non-binding and is intended to prevent project plans that do not match the aims of G4AW from being elaborated and submitted. No rights can be derived from the advisory opinion, which is not a decision with legal consequences. An applicant receiving a negative opinion is entirely free to nevertheless submit their application.

The model advisory opinion request form ('G4AW Facility Project Plan - short proposal template') can be downloaded from Tender documents. The request must be written in English and be submitted by email (to: using the model form to the G4AW Programme Office at the Netherlands Space Office. If the size of the file exceeds 8MB, the attachment(s) should be uploaded to an online storage location and the Netherlands Space Office should be informed of the location where it can retrieve them. Requests for an advisory opinion are processed in the order in which they are received. If the request and any accompanying files must be retrieved from a storage location, the time at which the Netherlands Space Office is informed that it can retrieve the files is considered to be the time of submission.

Requests for an advisory opinion can be submitted from 15 April to 15 June 2017. A project adviser of the Netherlands Space Office will confirm receipt of the request and contact the applicant as soon as possible to discuss the analysis of the submitted information. Consortia are strongly advised to use this advisory service. A partnership can submit only one request for an advisory opinion per project proposal. The request should be submitted by the partnership’s envisaged lead party.

Grant application:Applications must be submitted in writing, in quadruplicate (1 original and 3 copies), using the model application form and accompanied by the required annexes stipulated in that form (and possibly by optional annexes as well). The application form must be signed by the applicant's authorised representative, giving that person’s name and position, and be submitted in full to the G4AW Programme Office of the Netherlands Space Office. The time when the application is received by the Netherlands Space Office is considered to be the time that the application is submitted. Applications may be submitted from the moment this Order enters into force until 15:00 CET on 14 September 2017

The address to which applications must be submitted is:

Netherlands Space Office
attn G4AW Programme Office
Prinses Beatrixlaan 2
2595 AL  The Hague

If you wish to deliver your application in person or by courier, it may be handed in at this same address. Along with the application on paper, an electronic copy must be submitted on a USB stick.

Applications sent by mail (apart from those using a ‘postage paid’ envelope) and postmarked on a date before the application deadline are considered to be submitted on time, provided they are delivered no later than one week after the deadline for applications has passed. Applications sent by mail using a ‘postage paid’ envelope are considered to be submitted on time if they are delivered to the Netherlands Space Office before 15:00 on 14 September 2017. An item is not considered delivered until it has been recorded by the mail department. Incoming mail is not recorded in the evenings or on Saturday or Sunday. If applications are not sent by registered mail, the sender bears the risk of their being received too late or not at all.

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed. The applicant organisation bears sole responsibility for ensuring that the application is complete and submitted on time.
With regard to the application procedure, particular attention is drawn to article 7, paragraph 3 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grants Decree. If an incomplete application is submitted, the Minister may request a supplement. In this case, the date of receipt of the application will be the date on which the application was supplemented. If the application is submitted less than two weeks before the deadline of 14 September 2017, the applicant runs the risk that, if it is incomplete, the Minister will not use his or her discretionary powers to request a supplement. In that case, the application will have to be assessed as it stands. Applications will be checked to see if they are complete in the order in which they are received.

The last date on which the Netherlands Space Office may request supplementation in the case of an incomplete application is 31 August 2017.

Grant applications must be written in English. The application form must bear the name of the applicant and the names of the other parties to the partnership. It must be signed by an authorised representative of the applicant, and by the other parties by means of a partner form and the partnership’s partnership agreement. A public partner may instead choose to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Intent (LOI) if it objects to signing the partnership agreement.

The date and time at which the application is received at the G4AW Programme Office are binding. The applicant will receive written confirmation stating the date and time of receipt and a reference number.

All the documentation required for submitting a request for an advisory opinion and a grant application can be downloaded at Tender documents.
For further information visit the link below: 

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