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Geodata for Agriculture and Water Call for Applications

Funds for NGOs
Apply by 14 Sept 2017

Activities: Water/Climate,Others

Geodata for Agriculture and Water Call for Applications :The Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility is a grant programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It falls under the policy priority of food security, which focuses on increasing and enhancing sustainable food production as well as achieving more efficient agricultural water use, particularly in irrigated areas and water basins in the G4AW partner countries.

Administrative rules have been published in the Dutch Government Gazette (Staatscourant No. 13493, March 17, 2017)

The available budget for the G4AW call of 2017-2018 is 19.8 million euro.

Application period
Requests for an advisory opinion can be submitted from 15 April to 15 June 2017.

Applications may be submitted until 15:00 CET on 14 September 2017. If the application is submitted less than two weeks before the deadline of 14 September 2017, the applicant runs the risk that, if it is incomplete, the Minister will not use his or her discretionary powers to request a supplement.
Eligibility:A G4AW grant is accessible for partnerships that propose projects that implement information services that will provide food producers with timely, accurate and understandable satellite-based information, advice and/or (financial) products, which will allow food producers to make the right decisions to sustain and increase their production and their livelihood.

Threshold criteria:Applications must meet all the threshold criteria below in order to be eligible for a grant.

The grant application concerns activities in one of the following G4AW partner countries: Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
The minimum grant amount that can be applied for is €500,000 and the maximum €3,000,000.
The project must be completed within three years after the date of the grant award. The Netherlands Space Office may extend a project, without any change in its budget, for up to one year.
The size of the target group of the proposed project is at least 100,000 (one hundred thousand) for smallholder farmers and/or 50,000 (fifty thousand) for fishers and/or 50,000 (fifty thousand) for (agro)pastoralists.
Project proposals must aim to achieve a minimum 10% increase in food production and/or income, where possible in combination with at least 25% more efficient water use and at least 10% more efficient use of inputs such as fertilisers, seeds and pesticides. Partnership proposals aimed at providing insurance, loans and credits can only be submitted when combined with the provision of relevant information services to the target groups.
Satellite data forms an indispensable and essential part of the information chain on which the supplied service or product is based. Without satellite data the proposed information service could not be made operational.
Grant applications must be submitted by the lead party, which may not be a Dutch central government body, of a partnership which in any case comprises:
• one Dutch organisation;
• one organisation from the G4AW partner country where the activity is to be implemented;
• one private organisation and one public organisation;
• one party (which may be one of the organisations mentioned above) which actively processes satellite data and has demonstrable experience in this field.
All parties in the partnership have legal personality. This must be evident from an extract from the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce and/or a copy of the organisation’s constitution (or local equivalent), which must be appended to the application.
The partnership is in direct contact with the target group (end user of the proposed information service) and/or with the target group’s representative(s) and/or other intermediary organisations.
The proposal demonstrates that the partnership’s own contribution to the project costs (40% for Colombia, South Africa and Vietnam and 30% for the other G4AW partner countries) can be financed during the project period. The partnership’s own contribution may not include grants or contributions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made directly or indirectly.
The partners’ own contribution may be derived from different sources of funding, including grants, loans to partnership parties, and donations or investments in project partners by third parties. Up to 35% of the partnership’s own contribution may comprise third-party contributions, provided these contributions are not directly or indirectly derived from grants or contributions from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The partnership’s activities (including any project activities carried out by organisations outside the partnership) span the entire information chain from satellite data to services provided to food producers.
A written partnership cooperation agreement must be signed by all participating, guaranteeing their cooperation and compliance after the payment of the grant with the agreements made with one another. The agreement must also include agreements about how each of the parties will contribute to the activities of the partnership, and give an account of the decision-making process within the partnership. In addition, it must guarantee the fulfilment of obligations towards the Minister in respect of the grant. If the partnership will be working with a local government body, their cooperation may be laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Intent (LOI) if no other option is available.
The participating parties declare that they are aware of the requirement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to rule out the use of child and forced labour in the trade and investment chain. They also declare that they will comply with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises with respect to CSR, and that the project activities to be financed are not on the FMO exclusion list.
No grant will be awarded to proposals to scale up and/or expand existing services already supported by a G4AW grant by adding new services in the original G4AW partner country or to extend the reach (number of farmers) of these services in the original G4AW partner country.
Proposals focused primarily on certification, developing market information systems and preventing deforestation (REDD+) are not eligible for a grant.

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