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Sustainable Tropical Agriculture - Columbia

Funds for Columbian organisations
Last date 6 Sept 2017

Activities: Agriculture,Others

RCUK-CIAT Newton-Caldas Fund Sustainable Tropical Agricultural Systems programme
ESRC, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) are pleased to announce a new UK-Colombia programme in sustainable tropical agricultural systems supported by the Newton-Caldas Fund.

Proposals for the pump-priming phase of this call will be developed at a project scoping workshop to be held at CIAT Headquarters in Cali, Colombia, on 30 October - 2 November 2017. Applications for academic participation in this workshop are now open.

The specific aims of the UK-CIAT Sustainable Tropical Agricultural Systems Programme are to:

Fund high quality development-relevant research focussed on the resilience and sustainability of tropical agricultural systems containing pulses and/or tropical forages, which will contribute to the sustainable economic development and welfare of Colombia and wider.

Forge mutually-beneficial partnerships between researchers in the UK and CIAT on pulse and/or forage-based tropical agricultural systems that contribute to food security through international collaboration in agricultural research for development.

Support truly interdisciplinary projects combining at least two of the biological, environmental, and economic and social sciences.

The call will be managed as a two-stage process with the first stage being awards for pump-priming proposals.

Applications to the pump-priming stage will be developed and assessed at the project scoping workshop. Attendance at this workshop is a requirement for leading an application.

The second stage of funding (opening in 2018) will build on successful pump-primed projects.

How to apply
Applicants should complete an expression of interest form (see further details below), and provide an up-to-date CV. Completed applications should be sent to stating your name, institution and 'STAS EoI' in the subject line.

The deadline for applications is 16:00 on 6 September 2017.

In order to participate, applicants must be available to attend for the 3.5 day duration of the project scoping workshop from 30 October - 2 November 2017 (excluding travel time) and be able to travel to Colombia.

Key dates
Expression of interest deadline - 6 September 2017
Notify applicants of outcome of expression of interest stage - mid-September 2017
Project scoping workshop - 30 October - 2 November 2017 at CIAT, Colombia
Pump-priming projects to start - April 2018
Submission of extension proposals - autumn 2018
Extension project to start - April 2019

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