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Scaling Up Women’s Entrepreneurship in India

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Women/Gender,Others

Funding Opportunity No: ND-NOFO-17-102

Last date to Apply 30 June 2017

Eligible Appllicants: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education

Public and State controlled institutions of higher education

Private institutions of higher education

Agency Name:

U.S. Mission to India


Description:Objective: To promote sustainable enterprises, small businesses and innovation in India by connecting women entrepreneurs in India with American and Indian mentors through a series of skill development workshops and mentoring networks. The Public Affairs Section of U.S. Embassy New Delhi (PAS New Delhi) seeks proposals for a project entitled “Scaling Up Women’s Entrepreneurship in India.” Under this project, a partnership will be formed between one U.S. and one Indian NGO/civil society organization to organize and implement five separate 4-5 day skills development workshops for 150 early stage women entrepreneurs from at least 15 states across India. Identical workshops will occur in 5 different Tier II Indian cities, one in each consulate district. (Please refer to the full announcement and application instructions available under 'related documents' tab)

 Contact Email:

For further details downloand the document here 

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