■ You may submit your application in ONE of the following languages: English French, Spanish, Russian andArabic.
■ You can submit only ONE proposal in each funding cycle per group.
■ FRIDA recognizes the value of general support and encourages groups to prioritize resources according to their own needs. For example some groups may consider using FRIDA funds to cover staff, administration, or organizational costs while others may use funds to support establishing infrastructure or project related costs. FRIDA is committed to funding feminist activism and will cover costs that allow groups to engage in their work more effectively.
■ Applications must be received by FRIDAY 20th January 2012
■ The grant decision-making process will be completed by March 2012. Funds will be distributed shortly after. HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION
The deadline for applying is FRIDAY JANUARY 20th 2012. All Applications must be received by 5pm EST. If you think your group is eligible to apply for a grant from FRIDA, you can submit your application by: Email, Mail or Fax.
Application Form: http://www.ngoportal.org/store/files/FRIDA-Application-FormEng2-81.docx
Email: You may email your completed application to: proposals@youngfeministfund.org
Mail & Fax your application to:
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund
c/o The Association for Women’s Rights in Development
215 Spadina Avenue., Suite 150, Toronto, ON
M5T 2C7 Canada
Tel: +416.594.3773
Fax: +416. 594. 0330
NOTE: Please read the form thoroughly beforehand and fill it out as completely as possible. We strongly encourage you to submit your application by email. All applicants will receive a confirmation email indicating that we have received your proposal.
For more information, please email: info@youngfeministfund.org
Please see: FRIDA Call For Proposals (RU) or FRIDA Call for Proposals (Arabic)
*Special Thanks to the HIV Young Leaders Fund and The Central American Women’s Fund for their input and support in helping is design the FRIDA Application Materials.
Source: http://youngfeministfund.org/2011/12/grants-programapply-for-a-grant/