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Call for concept notes from civil society organisations working in India-1

Activities: HIV AIDS/SRH,Others

Call for concept notes from civil society organisations working in India

Concern Worldwide ,India has been working on development issues in Odisha,India since 1999. The Governance & Livelihood programme being one of the key area of intervention for Concern Worldwide, India has been focusing on governance and livelihood agenda for extreme poor people living in tribal districts of Odisha .

Concern Worldwide invites innovative concept notes from eligible civil society organisations/NGOs for partnership under governance and livelihood programme to address extreme poverty in seven selected districts of Odisha , India for a period of three years. The concept note can be developed by keeping in view the extreme poverty condition among the tribal families and their youths living in highland forested areas in seven selected districts viz: Koraput, Raygada, Kalahandi, Gajapati, Mayurbhanj,Keonjhar & Sundargarh of Odisha, India. The four objectives set for this programme are given below for reference.

• Expanding access to and control over productive assets for improved livelihoods security for traditional forest dweller families in upland forested areas.

• Enhanced economic returns for tribal families on their land assets within a sustainable natural resource management strategy.

• Empowering women and young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 from traditional forest dweller households to effectively engage in local decision-making, effective service delivery and equitable resource management.

• Facilitating improved performance of Panchyati Raj Institutions, enabling effective policy and programme implementation, and advocating for policy changes that have substantial impact on traditional forest dwellers.

The concept note must have due emphasis on equality ,mainstreaming of DRR , HIV & AIDS..

Eligibility criteria:

• Registered civil society organizations and networks, including non-governmental organizations that are legally registered in India.

• Organisations attending the call should have all legal compliances with regard to external foreign funding.

• Regional civil society organizations and networks that have national presence in the country. In this case, the proposal must indicate how the proposed interventions will contribute to local capacity development.

see page -2 for grant size and other details:






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