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Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI by GFII and IPA

Activities: Research & Doc

The Global Financial Inclusion Fund (GFII) at Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) 
Seeking Submissions for New Research Projects under the GFII Competitive Funds
This Call for Expressions of Interest includes both: The Citi IPA Financial Capability Research Fund & The Yale Savings and Payments Research Fund

 Deadline for  EOI Applications: August 23, 2013

The Global Financial Inclusion Fund (GFII) at Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) submissions from teams of researchers and practitioners to conduct rigorous research on identifying innovative products and programs that enhance poor households’ access to and usage of improved financial tools, products, and services.

The initiative is focused on three key areas of research within the financial inclusion domain:

Savings: The poor can and do save. In fact, saving is critical to households whose income flows do not match their daily consumption needs, much less their need to plan for risks and make investments. GFII studies innovations that help individuals to access savings services, overcome temptation and social demands, and build savings habits, and measures the impact of improved saving on consumption, investment, and risk mitigation.

Payments: The ability to move money from one location to another is key to allowing personal, business, and government transactions to occur. Innovations in payment channels, driven by the widespread use of technologies such as mobile phones, allow the poor to transact in a faster, cheaper, and more secure manner. Our studies measure the impact of these new transaction mechanisms on the welfare of the poor.

Financial Capability: Simply having access to financial products and services is only part of the solution to maintaining a healthy financial portfolio. Individuals must also know how to choose and use the right products based on their specific needs, and know how to balance products and services to optimize sustenance and growth. GFII assesses the effectiveness of various innovative tools designed to help the poor make better decisions on their own financial portfolios.
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