Call for Proposals - NWO WOTRO's Productive Employment
New programme: Research for Inclusive Development: Today, WOTRO Science for Global Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands launch the new programme Research for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides funding for research that investigates how the current growth of many African economies can be guided so that it becomes more inclusive. The programme consists of two Calls for proposals, also launched today: Strategic Actors for Inclusive Development and Productive Employment. Many African economies are growing fast, but there are concerns about the inclusiveness of this growth. Large groups of poor and vulnerable people remain excluded from increased welfare. These inequalities undermine social cohesion and poses a risk for the long-term sustainability of economic growth. Research for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa supports research that leads to practical advice and policy descriptions for more inclusive African development through structural transformation, with specific attention to the role of strategic actors in such transformation processes and to more inclusive productive employment policies. The programme consists of two funding instruments: a Call for research into Strategic Actors for Inclusive Development and a Call for research into Productive Employment. Both focus on the following countries: Ghana, Benin, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Proposals can be submitted by consortia consisting of at least one research institution and one practitioner organisation from one of the seven countries mentioned above, and one Dutch research institution. The total available budget for funding is 5,875,000 euros, distributed evenly over the two Calls. For both Calls the maximum funding per research proposal is limited to 587,500 for a project of 2,5 years. Research for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by NWO-WOTRO. Call for Proposals: Productive Employment The aim of the Call for research on Productive Employment is to generate insights into ways in which African countries can promote productive employment, and how Dutch aid and private partners, as well as trade and investment policies can contribute to this process. Specific objectives of the Call are to contribute to new evidence-based knowledge that can be used to improve policies and practices of all relevant actors to promote productive employment in African countries and to share this knowledge with relevant stakeholders (researchers, policymakers, other practitioners) to facilitate uptake and application. The deadline for submitting proposals for this Call is 14 January 2014. ................................................................................................................... Other grants related: 24 Sep 2013 NGO management and Funds for NGOs
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