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Small Grants - Humanitarian Innovation Fund

Activities: Others

The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance.

Before applying for one of our grants, please answer these two questions:

1. Is your project innovative?

Have you identified a challenge or an opportunity for innovation?
Do you have a solution or idea which addresses the challenge/seizes the opportunity?
Or is the solution or idea at a stage where it can be developed further & implemented?
2. Does your project relate to humanitarian aid?

Does your project fit the following definition of humanitarian aid?

"‘Humanitarian aid’ is aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of emergencies." (Global Humanitarian Assistance)
HIFs small grant facility is open all year round and offers grants of up to £20,000 for the recognition, invention & diffusion of a humanitarian innovation.
See the following documents for more information on small grants and its process.

Please read all the included documentation and send completed small grant applications to, following the instructions outlined in the application pack. 

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