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Scholarships 2015-16 Eligibility Criteria

Activities: Others


Applying for a ARES scholarship is absolutely free of charge. ARES does not charge any fee at any stage of the application or selection process. You may raise any question or concern about persons or companies claiming to be acting on behalf of ARES and requesting the payment of a fee by emailing us at
Any application containing cash will be automatically rejected.

The following criteria will apply for the selection of holders of scholarships:

1.Only applicants originating in developing countries, qualify for selection. To be eligible, candidates must reside and work in their country at the time of the introduction of the file.

2.ONLY the nationals of the following countries are authorized to postulate with our SCHOLARSHIPS : 

South Africa, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Uganda, Peru, Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, El Salvador, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Palestinian territories, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

3.At the beginning of the programme, candidates must be less than 40 years old for courses, and less than 45 years old for training programmes.

4.Candidates must be holders of a degree that is comparable to a Belgian University graduate degree ("licence"). However, for certain programmes different rules of admissibility may be defined, and these are specified hereafter, where appropriate.

5.Candidates must show professional experience of at least two years upon termination of their studies. Where candidates are holders of a postgraduate degree delivered by an university of an industrial country, they must show professional experience of at least three years upon termination of their studies.

6.Candidates must have a good knowledge of written and spoken French; for programmes organised in another language, good knowledge, in writing and speaking, of this language, is required. Moreover, the candidate will be asked to commit himself to study French in order to be able to participate in daily life in Belgium.

7.Candidates are not allowed to apply FOR MORE THAN ONE PROGRAMME.

Applicants must not first obtain admission to one of the French-speaking universities of Belgium in order to apply for grants from ARES.

•Are incomplete

•Are sent by fax or e-mail

•Arrive at ARES-CCD beyond the set deadline (indicated on this site)

•Are not provided on the adequate file (downloadable on this site), and in the language in which the programme is provided

•Do not correspond to a programme presented in this site

•Refer to more than one programme

•Are not accompanied by the parts to join obligatorily (copy certified of the diploma,...). Photocopies or documents scanned of the certified copies are NOT accepted

•Do not respect one the criteria of conformity clearly mentioned in the site (certified diploma, age, professional experience,...)

Applying for a ARES scholarship is absolutely free of charge. ARES does not charge any fee at any stage of the application or selection process. You may raise any question or concern about persons or companies claiming to be acting on behalf of ARES and requesting the payment of a fee by emailing us at
Any application containing cash will be automatically rejected.

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