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Call for proposals under NNRMS programme

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India Calls For Proposals For Financial Support during the Financial Year 2014-15 under National Natural Resources Management SYSTEM (NNRMS) PROGRAMME

The Ministry of Environment & Forests invites research proposals for financial support in prescribed format under its NNRMS Programme. The NNRMS Programme supports research projects aimed at optimal utilization of remote sensing techniques along with conventional methods for addressing key environmental and ecological issues such as management of forests, grasslands, faunal resources, wetlands, coastal areas management including conservation of mangroves and coral resources, land degradation, impact of developmental activities on environment.

Priority will be given to the areas relating to Monitoring of Ecologically Sensitive Areas, Establishment of Himalayan Snow and Glaciers Monitoring System, time series analysis of data for different ecological & environmental variables of various bio-resources and environment covering the specific proposals:

-      Ecologically Compatible land use planning in the notified Eco-sensitive Zones through Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies.

-      Long term ecological research for biodiversity assessment and Monitoring in biodiversity hot-spots of the country.

-      Time series analysis of data for a minimum period of four to five years for different ecological and environmental variables in respect of Snow and Glaciers, Wetlands, Coastal Zones and Forest types of India.


All Academic institutions, Universities, National  Institutes,  recognized  R&D institutions, reputed  non-governmental  organizations  and  voluntary  bodies as well as  private  organizations including  industry  through  scientists  and  technologists  working  in  them  (both  NGOs, voluntary  bodies  and  private  organizations  including  industry  have  to   be  registered  as  a research  institution  with  the  Department  of  Scientific  and  Industrial  Research, Government of India) are eligible to submit the proposals.

Guidelines for applications:

The  “Guidelines for   Support  to  Environmental  Research - 2012”  inter alia which provides  details  on  the  scope  and  coverage  of  research  grants,  concept  of  public private  partnership  in  research projects,   procedure  for  invitation,  submission,  appraisal, monitoring  and  review  of  research  projects  along  with  norms  for funding,  terms  and conditions governing  research grants and  prescribed proformas  are  available on the website ( of  the Ministry under the link

Submission of proposals

The research proposals  should be submitted/prepared  by  the  Principal Investigator   (PI) in  the  prescribed    proforma  given  in  the  “Guidelines for  Support  to  Environmental  Research - 2012” and forwarded  to this Ministry alongwith Fifteen (15) hard copies of the proposal and a soft copy in CD form by  the  Head  of  the  Institution. If the project is a joint venture then it should be explicitly mentioned.

The proposal completed  in  all  respects  should  be  sent  by Registered/Speed  Post  in  a  confidential  sealed  envelope  during the current Financial Year 2014-2015  on  the address  given  below. The research proposals not evaluated  in  the financial  year (2014-2015)  would  be  considered  in  the  next  financial  year.

Download Guidelines 

For further details please contact:

Dr. G.V. Subrahmanyam,

Adviser (RE)

Ministry of Environment and Forests,

Room No.  548, Paryavaran Bhawan,

CGO Complex, Lodi Road,

New Delhi-110 003.

Tele-fax: 91-11-24364594.





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