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Funds for NGOs - Invitation of Proposals for Strengthening of ICDS Services

Activities: Others


Study on strengthening ICDS Services for addressing malnutrition among children from socially excluded groups in Uttar Pradesh

The Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme (PACS) is an initiative of the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), to work with civil society in India, to help socially excluded groups claim their rights and entitlements more effectively. PACS covers 90 districts in seven states- Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

The seven year programme (2009-2016) supports civil society organisations (CSOs) promoting inclusive policies, programmes and institutions at local, district and state levels. PACS targets socially excluded groups: scheduled castes (SCs), scheduled tribes (STs), Muslim minorities, women, girls and people with disability (PwD). For more details please visit PACS focuses on areas of livelihood, education, health and nutrition in gender and rights perspectives.

PACS programme promotes non-discriminatory access to healthcare systems and services for socially excluded groups.In Uttar Pradesh, PACS intervention on health and nutrition is spread in 11 districts across 1511 villages.As a part of its design and strategy PACS works on both the demand side and the supply side strengthening people’s voices to seek accountability and better responsiveness as well as sensitizing the service providers to ensure efficient, effective and discrimination free delivery of services.        

PACS has a wide range of experience in engaging with ICDS centres in terms of building community awareness on nutrition, capacity building of community based organizations and community monitoring of ICDS centres. The programme also focuses on sharing of experiences and learning across CSO partners to advocate the agenda of malnutrition. The field experiences of PACS and Partners have brought to light that there is ample scope of strengthening the ICDS centres in terms of improving service delivery, building infrastructure, ensuring basic facilities and monitoring quality of services through community participation. Bringing together different stakeholders on a common platform has proven to be an effective strategy to address the issue of malnutrition at local level.

In this context PACS wishes to engage a suitable institution/ individual for conducting a study to understand the role of ICDS centres in addressing the issue of child nutrition in Uttar Pradesh.  The study will also explore possible areas wherein a broader collective strategy can be formulated highlighting the role of different stakeholders including institutions like Panchayats, different departments, State Nutrition Mission etc., in addressing issues of malnutrition in the state.

Objective of Assignment
•To assess the status of implementation of ICDS services particularly in access, availability and quality of services focusing on children belonging to SEGs.

•To recommend viable approaches and strategies including different stakeholders, to address child malnutrition in Uttar Pradesh.                                                                                                   

Please refer to Terms of Reference for detailed description of objectives, thematic focus of the assignment and Key Deliverables (attached below)

Interested AgenciesOrganisations with suitable background and experience (as outlined in the eligibility criteria of Terms of Reference) are requested to submit their proposals in the format attached herewith. Application in any other format will not be accepted.

Proposals shall be submitted to with subject line – “Study on strengthening ICDS Services”

The last date for the submission of application is 13th Dec 2014. Please, note that due to the large number of applications, we will not be able attend to e-mail or telephone enquiries on application status. Only shortlisted agenciesorganisations will be contacted. If PACS does not contact you by 25th January  2014, please assume your application has not been successful.

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