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YCF Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

Activities: Others

Funds for NGOs

Last date to Apply 3rd March 2105

Here you can find information on how to apply to the Young Connectors of the Future Programme.

Who can apply to YCF?

To apply to the programme you have to:
◾Be an engaged leader within the spheres of society, culture, politics or media (for example project managers, youth leaders, entrepreneurs, journalists, bloggers, youth politicians, cultural workers, civil servants, lawyers and pedagogues).
◾Work actively for democracy and human rights.
◾Be between 22-32 years old (born 1983-1993).
◾Have a good working knowledge of both written and spoken English.
◾Be a citizen of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India or Pakistan.

Please note that we will not be able to make any exceptions to the eligibility requirements.

How to apply?

Apply by going to our Aplication Portal. Deadline for applications is 3 March, 2015. Only applicants who have submitted a complete application will be considered for the programme. We do not accept applications sent by email.

A complete application consists of:
◾A completed  Application-Form-YCF-2015 in English, including your contact details and the contact details of two reference persons.
◾An updated CV in English
◾One  Letter of Reference  (preferably using the provided template)
◾A photo (not compulsory)

If you have any questions regarding the application portal, application form or letter of reference, please send an email to ycf(a)

Please note that the reference persons should be familiar with and have knowledge of your work for social change, in the areas of democracy and human rights. We will need the contact details of the reference persons (name, job title, telephone number and e-mail).We may contact the reference persons of the applicants who are selected for an interview. Note that we only need a letter of recommendation from one of the reference persons. The letter of recommendation should not exceed two 2 pages. We only accept references who speak English. Kindly read the instructions in the Letter of Reference Form for more detailed information regarding requirements and restrictions.

Due to the large number of applications that we receive, we are unfortunately not able to send personal replies to all applicants. Hence, if you have not heard from us by 20 May, 2015, you have not been accepted to the Young Connectors of the Future Programme. However, you are more than welcome to apply again for next year’s programme.

How do we select our participants?

The Swedish Institute will appoint a selection committee consisting of staff from the Swedish Institute as well as representatives from partner organisations and field experts. The applications will be evaluated according to the following selection criteria:
◾The relevance and quality of personal motivation and commitment, and the applicant’s answers in the YCF application form (see ‘How to apply’).
◾An assessment of the CV.
◾An assessment of the letter of recommendation from one reference person.
◾The general qualifications of the applicant.

The Swedish Institute will make its decision taking into account the recommendations of the selection committee as well as the candidates’ general suitability for the programme. As far as possible, the Swedish Institute will ensure that there is an even distribution of candidates from the different countries.

Out of all applicants, a number of shortlisted candidates are called for interviews as a second and final step in the selection process.

Please note that the Young Connectors of the Future Programme is an intensive programme with a full day schedule and many evening activities. All selected participants will have to commit to participate in all activities in both module 1 and 2.

Important dates:
◾Call for applications opens: 3 February 2015
◾Deadline for applications: 3 March 2015
◾Skype interviews: 4 – 15 May 2015
◾Accepted applicants will be informed: 20 May 2015
◾YCF module 1 in Sweden: 8 – 25 September 2015
◾YCF module 2: 14 – 21 February 2016 (dates are preliminary and location is to be confirmed

 About YCF Programme

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