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Activities: Forest & Environment

Increasing forest and tree cover (FTC) of the country to one third of its geographical area, as
envisaged in the National Forest Policy 1988, is essential for economic and ecological security of the country, especially the rural poor. Achieving the target of one third of forest and tree cover, however, stipulates fourfold increase in current annual tree planting mostly on lands outside recorded forest area (RFA). Tree plantation on lands outside RFA, however, has been very slow mainly due to poor returns to the growers. This is largely attributed to the low volume and poor quality yield of tree products, mainly for the reason that the tree growers do not have easy access to quality planting material (QPM) due to both paucity of QPM production facilities in the rural areas of the country and low awareness about gains of using QPM. Recognizing these constraints, it has been decided to restructure the existing Grants –in –Aid Scheme providing assistance to Voluntary agencies for tree planting by incorporating the additional components of QPM production facilities and creation of mass awareness about QPM.
The restructured Scheme named “Grants in aid for Greening India”
will broadly focus on three aspects of the tree planting namely
a) Raising mass awareness about QPM and tree planting
b) Enhancing the capacity for QPM production
c) Tree planting with people’s participation
1. Objectives of the Scheme
The main objectives are:
i) To create an enabling environment through capacity building at various levels for tree
planting, and production and use of quality planting material.
ii) To make available quality planting material by establishment of high tech nurseries
iii) To create awareness amongst people for improved technology for tree planting and use
of quality planting material
iv) To develop and facilitate linkages between production systems of quality planting material
and user groups
v) To contribute towards increase in tree cover in the country by focusing on non-forest
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