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Call for Proposals under Water Technology Initiative - DST

Funds for Indian NGOs Last date 15 June 2015

Activities: Water/Climate,Others

Department of Science and Technology, Government of India Calls for Proposals under Water Technology Initiative (WTI-2015).   The calls are open from 1st May 2105 to 15th June 2015.
1. Preamble:Water Technology Initiative is a demand oriented user centric initiative which includes development research in laboratories as well as application research in field. The scope of initiative covers the entire value chain of R&D right from water oriented basic and applied research, pre competitive technology development, technology based classification & assessment of technology options, pilotdemonstration of technology leads from laboratories and academic institutions to evolve a basket of technology options and mounting of technically, socially, environmentally and eventually affordable convergent solutions suited to socio-economic context.
2. Objective of Call:The objective of the call is to mobilise development and applications research proposals having strong solution science orientation. The need of scientific work, gap in existing knowledge and demand for deliverables emanating from the project should be firmly established in the proposal.
The present call would support thematic R & D on following topics:
 Mitigation of Arsenic including collaboration with global R&D institutions for in-situ
remediation of Arsenic from aquifer system, reliable detection at field level, handling &
safe disposal of sludge.
 Treatment of water contamination due to pesticide, other use-derived residues and
emerging contaminants such as personal pharmaceutical care products (PPCP).
 Up-scaling of water augmentation and treatment solutions successfully demonstrated
under the WAR for Water Programme.
 Mitigation of chromium contamination in drinking water and development of field test kits.
 Fluoride mitigation options from drinking water.
 Novel rapid contaminant detection sensors field kits for testing potability of water for
conformity to specifications analysis of water contaminants.
 Broad spectrum treatment technologies such as membranes, capacitative deionisation
etc. for efficient and effective removal of biological, chemical and physical impurities in
drinking water.
 Decentralized Waste Water Treatment technologies for domestic/ community application
 Technologies for asset monitoring for drinking water
 Research on novel concepts such as pulling water from air, extracting moisture from
 Research & Technology issues related to water energy nexus.
                                                                     Read More... 

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