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Call for Proposals - Clean Energy Sub-Systems and Systems DSTDevices

Funds for Indian NGOs Last date 30 June 2015

Activities: Forest & Environment

OBJECTIVE OF CALL: The objective of the call is to foster interdisciplinary multi-institutional networked research projects synergising strengths of respective partners to deliver efficient devices/systems meeting global benchmarks. The call envisages close interaction between industry, academia and research institutions. Participation of industrial collaborator from early stage is desirable to build long term linkage and take up leads to develop technologies which could find a space in market place eventually. The outcome of the scientific endeavor under the call should be scalable and deliverables of the projects should have the potentials to change business as usual scenarios. The focus of this call is on developing systems/ sub-systems and devices meeting the priorities and requirements of the country. The need of scientific work and demand for deliverables emanating from the project need to be firmly established in the proposal. The call would support:

 Pre-competitive technology development.
 Translational research utilising already available know-how to consolidate
research outputs and advance current technologies.
 Thematic projects on specific technical issues identified by the industry.


Faculties of recognized universities and academic institutions,scientists working in National Laboratories, R&D institutions andResearch organizations recognized by DSIR individually or in
consortium. Genuine and meaningful participation of industry having capability in the area and potential to commercialise the developed technology is desirable.

PROJECT SIZE: Not exceeding Rs. 3 crore

PROJECT DURATION: 3 years maximum

INDUSTRIAL CONTRIBUTION: Participating Industry would be required to invest within its own system i.e. production/ test lines and/or develop required infrastructure to adopt research leads and is expected to bring design and engineering capability for the benefit of the project.

Contribution in cash is not mandatory for the projects submitted under this call. 

CALL OPENING DATE: 1 st May, 2015
CALL CLOSING DATE: 30th June 2015

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