NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Clean Energy Devices Sub-systems and Systems -Activities supported

Funds for Indian NGOs Last date 30th June 2015

Activities: Forest & Environment


The spectrum of activities include translational research to convert available know how to useful product /process etc as well as applied research aimed at performance enhancement of existing devices and systems. This would also include Development and Engineering (D&E), Prototype Development of Product/ System, Process Development and equipment up gradation but not restricted to them.


The relevance proposal to call objectives need to be conclusively established. The proposal relevant to call objectives will be evaluated based on following criteria:

a. Need assessment and demand for proposed work,

b. Scientific appropriateness of deliverable of proposed approaches and technical merit

c. Expertise, facilities and track record of team. Appropriativeness of industrial partner
competence of each member facilities available to conduct research
d. Proposal formulation. Literature/patent review, qualified objectives, methodology and
work plan, clear and well defined deliverable.
e. Potential to proliferate clean energy deployment, competiveness of performance and
cost goals.

Other Grants

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