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RESEARCH FOR SOCIAL IMPACT 2015 - Call for Proposals

Funds for NGOs Last date: 30 June 2015http://www.ngopo

Activities: Others

RESEARCH FOR SOCIAL IMPACT 2015 :ERI offers grants and impact investments to promising organizations that aim to reduce poverty and social injustice, both global and domestic, by addressing the roots causes that perpetuate them
Applicants are invited to provide a brief description of their project on the form below. Suitable candidates will be asked to send a letter of intent and, later on, a grant proposal.
ERI institute announces a call for proposals as part of its annual Research for Social Impact in-kind grant program. 
ERI offers annual in-kind grants for producing innovative research projects and policy papers aimed at addressing significant social issues and/or offering practical and applicable solutions to significant social problems.
Grant awards will range up to $15,000 to be issued in the form of in-kind services by ERI Institute.
For an ERI grant application to be complete, it needs to include the administrative forms, the research proposal and the supplementary documents. The completed proposal should be submitted by the specified closing date.
Grants will be awarded up to 3 recipients based on a review process by ERI's grant committee. 
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants must be registered non-profits or social enterprises.
Applying organizations should be focused on at least one of the following areas: poverty alleviation, social justice, economic empowerment, gender equity, human rights or international development.
Project Criteria
The total cost of the requested funding support should not exceed 15,000$. 
Research proposals should demonstrate the practical applied value of the project, explaining the potential real-world impact of the research or policy paper.
The proposed research or policy paper should focus on at least one of the following areas: poverty alleviation, social justice, economic empowerment, gender equity, human rights or international development.
How to Apply
Applications for grants are only accepted through the online submission system.
Application form
Application deadline:  Applications must be submitted by 30.06.2015.
Receipt will be acknowledged
Questions and Clarifications:Contact Einat Baron at

Other Grants

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