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Announcement 2015 Project- based Personnel Exchange Programme with India - Indo-German Joint Researc

Funds for NGOs Last date 15 June 2015

Activities: Others

The ’Project-based Personnel Exchange Programme’(PPP) is a bilateral research
promotion programme which is the result of the Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) concluded in 1998 between the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). .
Who are the funding institutions?
DAAD receives funds for implementing the programme through a budget allocation
made by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). On the Indian
side, the programme is funded by Government of India through the Department of
Science and Technology (DST).
What are the aims ofthe programme?
The basic aim of the programme is to strengthen the collaboration between Indian
and German research groups, which are working jointly on a particular scientific
project. The programme ’Project-based Personnel Exchange’ envisages, in this
connection, financial support for operational mobility only. Particular emphasis is
thereby accorded to academic training and specialization of young researchers.
Concrete objectives have to be mentioned in the application (project description)
(including the number and academic credentials of the researchers to be supported).
Research collaborations entered into with the intention of initiating major projects,
such as the preparation of joint applications meant for submission to any other funding
organisation, are highly preferred.
Which are the target groups?
Scientists/ researchers, university professors, post-doctoral researchers and doctoral
Who can apply? University professors, scientists/researchers and post-doctoral researchers from
German and Indian universities and those in permanent positions at public funded
research institutes are eligible to apply.
The programme is open to academics in the disciplines of agricultural sciences,
veterinary medicine, forestry, engineering, earth sciences, mathematics, theoretical
computer science, informatics, medicine, life sciences, health sciences, animal sciences,
nutritional medicine, physics, material sciences and chemistry.
2.What are the prerequisites for application?
The pre-requisite for application is a concrete and precise scientific research project
proposal of high quality, on which academics from both countries jointly, and to the
extent possible complementarily, want to work on. It would not suffice just to describe
scientific problems of a general nature which both

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