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UK-Vietnam: Joint Infectious Disease Research Call

Funds for NGOs Last date 15th July 2015

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

UK-Vietnam: Joint Infectious Disease Research Call
Time remaining: 3w 6d 9h 33m
Status: Open
Open date: 04/06/2015
Closing date: 15/07/2015 16:00
Type: Calls
Categories: Infections and immunity, Molecular and cellular medicine, Global health
Objectives and Scientific scope

The UK Medical Research Council (MRC) -Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Infectious Diseases Partnership initiative aims to provide substantive support for joint Vietnamese-UK working in the area of infectious disease research. The objective is to deliver 2-3 year research funding for internationally competitive and innovative collaborative projects between scientists from Vietnam and the UK that will allow the pursuit of shared research interests.

The funders wish to support biomedical research in health areas of importance to the Vietnamese population, which will lead to health benefits in Vietnam, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable in society. This call for collaborative proposals will require applicants based in Vietnam and the UK to work together in partnership on research projects.

The focus of this call is research into infectious diseases of relevance to Vietnam and particularly those impacting the most vulnerable in society.

The funders welcome proposals across the spectrum of biomedical research activities, including

Basic research on pathogen; genomics;  aetiology of disease
Understanding mechanisms of diseases
Development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, and other health interventions (public health, behavioural, nutritional)
Population health sciences, clinical studies and epidemiological research which will provide data needed to conduct future interventions development work.
Operational and implementation science research to deliver health interventions, including research that leads to better knowledge and understanding of service integration.
Research questions looking into inequalities and access to healthcare, which plays a crucial role in ensuring that these diseases are diagnosed and managed in the most effective manner.

The development of interdisciplinary collaborations is particularly welcome and encouraged, although not a requirement of the call. Areas of particular research interest within the infectious disease space include, but are not limited to:

Antimicrobial resistance
Vaccine development  (for human’s)

Please note Funding for this partnership scheme will not cover clinical trials and the joint funders will not accept clinical trials applications for this scheme.

It is important that the proposed research fits within the MRC and MOST standard remits.
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