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Call for proposals in the field of Embedded Systems 2015 DST and VINNOVA

Funds for Indian NGOs Last date 20 Au 2015

Activities: Others

Strategic Indo-Swedish Cooperative Innovation Programme –
Call for proposals in the field ofEmbedded Systems 2015
DST (Department of Science and Technology, Government of India)
and VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems)
Last date for submitting proposals: 20th August 2015
1. A programme for innovative embedded systems solutionsthrough Indio-Swedish cooperation The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST) and the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) has agreed to launch a joint call for proposals during 2015 to promote Indo-Swedish innovation cooperation in the field of embedded systems. DST and VINNOVA hereby invite Indian and Swedish industry and academia to submit joint project applications for cooperative projects.This document provides applicants with information on the bilateral cooperation programme and its procedures.
2. Programme goals, approach and research field
In 2010, DST and VINNOVA funded a joint research oriented call in the field of embedded systems. The goal of this callis to develop researchresults to create added value for Indian and Swedish industry partners.The call covers applied research, including industrial research and experimental development.The projects should be carried outin close collaboration between academic and industry partners andshould be aimed atneeds and economic benefits of both countries.

“Embedded systems” is broadly defined in this programme as computer systems being part of (“embedded” in) complete task-specific hardware-software systems, often having real-time computing requirements.


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