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Building Energy Efficiency Higher & Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Fellowships

Funds for NGOs
Last date 29 Feb 2016

Activities: Education,Others

Recognizing that climate change, clean and efficient energy and environmental protection are among the biggest challenges facing India and the United States and to address the need for human resource development and capacity building in the frontier area of Building Energy Efficiency; the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) have developed a dynamic visitation program between Indian and US institutions and premier US Universities. The Building Energy Efficiency Higher & Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Fellowships are envisaged to create a sustainable and vibrant linkage between the two nations, as well as build long term Indo-American science and technology relationships.

Eligibility Criteria

For Student Internships

Indian  citizens  currently  pursuing  a  Ph.D.  or  M.Tech.  in  the  field  of  Building Energy  Efficiency  or  in  engineering/science/ technology/architecture  with  a major area of  research  related  to Building  Energy  Efficiency  at  a  recognized institution of higher education and learning in India. 
Age: Up to 32 years as on 29 February 2016
For Fellowships

Indian citizens having Ph.D./M.Tech./M.Arch. in Science, Engineering, Technology or Architecture in the specific area of Building Energy Efficiency. Relaxation in qualifications could be made for individuals with proven and considerable research background and experience who are part of a recognized institution of higher education and learning in India.
Applicants must be pursuing independent research on extra-mural / industry-supported research projects and should have published in high-impact academic journals.
Age: Upto 40 years as on 29 February 2016.
Employment: The  applicant should be affiliated to a public funded R&D Lab/S&T Institution (non-private)/ recognized Universities/Colleges in India.
The Program is envisaged to:
  • provide opportunity to best and brightest Indian students and scientists to gain exposure and access to world class research facilities in US academia and labs;
  •  promote research and capacity building in the frontline area of Building Energy Efficiency;
  •  encourage and motivate outstanding students to take up research as a career path; and
  •  pave way for the next generation scientists and technologists from India to interact with American peers, thus helping to build long-term R&D linkages and collaborations.
Fellowship /Internship Includes:
Monthly Stipend
Return Air fare
Contingency Allowance
Health Insurance
Internship: Minimum 3 months and up to 6 months
Fellowships: Minimum 3 months and up to 12 months
Place of work:

The applicant should have a letter of acceptance from a reputed U.S. scientific/technological institution/laboratory where he/she would undertake the research work under the Fellowship/Internship.
Applications should be submitted electronically to
Submission Deadline: 29 February 2016

For program information contact:

Dr. Nishritha Bopana
Indo-US Science and Technology Forum
Fulbright House, 12, Hailey Road, New Delhi

Write to us at:


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