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Rural Livelihood Capacity Building Programme - Process

Funds for NGOs
Last date 5th Dec 2015

Activities: Livelihood

Application instructions: Kindly read the instructions carefully before you proceed to fill the application.
The application consists of two parts:
Part-A : Application for the capacity building workshop
Part-B : Application for the social innovation grant
Applying to the capacity building workshop is a necessary condition for the social innovation grant.
Those who wish to apply for the social innovation grant will also have to fill Part-B of the application. Organizations that only wish to apply for the capacity building workshop do not have to fill Part-B of the application.
Responses for boxes and questions with a ‘red asterisk’ beside them or explicitly mentioned as ‘Required’ are mandatory, without which the applications would not be accepted.
The application for the social innovation grant (Part-B) requires you to make a three minute video pitch to tell us how your organization would benefit from the grant and the kind of impact it will create. Important instructions for the video pitch:
  • The video should be recorded on a mobile phone. A video that has been professionally made or edited will not be considered.
  • All videos longer than 3 minutes will not be considered.
  • The video should be in MP4 format.
  • Maximum file size should be 50 MB. Kindly compress the video if required to achieve a size of under 50 MB. Various offline and online tools are available for compression.
  • The language used in the video should preferably be English.
  • The following are areas that we would like to hear about:
  • The uniqueness of your idea in the context of your larger organization goals
  • Action plan for implementation
  • Proposed impact
Applications are due by December 5, 2015. Successful applicants will be intimated by December 20, 2015.
If you have further questions please email us at

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