Capacity Development and Promotion of Diversity for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth in India
Funds for Indian NGOs
BACKGROUND:The European Union's development cooperation policy and practice form part of the Union’s external action, as set out in the Treaty of Lisbon (2007). The primary objective is the reduction and, in the long term, the eradication of poverty guided by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In addition, the European Consensus on Development (2006) sets out the shared vision and common principles that guide EU development cooperation. It affirms that development is a central goal by itself and stresses that sustainable development includes good governance, human rights and political, economic, social and environmental aspects. At a critical juncture - facing new global challenges, close to the 2015 target for achieving the MDGs and at the dawn of a new, post-2015 development framework era– the Agenda for Change Communication (October 2011, Council Conclusions in May 2012) sets out a more strategic EU approach to reducing poverty. It provides the policy direction for EU development cooperation by proposing a concentration of development cooperation around two main pillars: i) human rights, democracy and good governance; and ii) inclusive and sustainable growth for human development. The Thematic Programme for Civil Society and Local Authorities (CSO-LA Thematic Programme - ) is specifically guided by: (a) the 2012 Communication The Roots of Democracy and sustainable development: Europe's Engagement with Civil Society in External Relations; ; (b) the 2013 Communication on Empowering Local Authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes; The policy orientations of ‘The Roots of Democracy and sustainable development’, endorsed by the Council of the European Union, propose an enhanced and more strategic EU engagement with CSOs in developing, enlargement and neighbourhood countries, with a particular focus on local civil society organisations . An empowered civil society is valued as a crucial component of any democratic system and as an asset in itself. Recognising the importance of constructive relations between states and CSOs, the Communication puts forward three priorities for the EU: 1. Enhance efforts to promote a conducive environment for CSOs in partner countries. 2. Promote meaningful and structured participation in programming and policy processes to build stronger governance and accountability at all levels. 3. Increase local CSOs' capacity to perform their roles as independent development actors more effectively. Notice: This is a restricted Call for Proposals. In the first instance, only Concept Notes must be submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, applicants who have been pre-selected will be invited to submit a Full Application Form. After the evaluation of the Full Applications, an eligibility check will be performed for those which have been provisionally selected. Eligibility will be checked on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the Contracting Authority and the signed ‘Declaration by the Applicant’ sent together with the application. Download documents below: GUIDELINES_FOR_GRANT_APPLICANTS CORRIGENDUM_No_1_-_ANNEX_A_-_GRANT_APPLICATION_FORM New_Publication_Notice_136652 UPDATED_TIMETABLE_No_1- For more informaation click here Tags: Funds for Indian NGOs Recent Posts Ravi+Sankaran+Fellowship+Program NATIONAL+INNOVATION+FOUNDATION++Biennial+Competition Inlaks+Scholarships Request for Proposal for Manpower Deployment Paul Hamlyn Foundation India programme India Youth Fund Saving Lives at Birth A Grand Challenge for Development Young Connectors of the Future Programme YCF IPAF Grants Funds for NGOs India NGO Awards Fellowship Program Open Society Reaching the Moveable Middle Funds for NGOs Diagnostic tools for poverty-related diseases Grant Innovation in Conflict Transformation
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