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Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

Funds for Indian NGOs

Last date to Apply 15th April 2015 

The Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program has several aims. One is to build capacity by facilitating the training of students in reputed international universities and institutions. This strategy is based on the recognition that a wide exposure to wildlife science and to conservation models from other parts of the world is needed to infuse Indian conservation with new ideas and approaches for greatest effectiveness. Such exposure includes, but is not limited to, work done towards an academic degree, which is why the Fellowship is offered for both Masters degrees and practical internships. An additional goal of the Fellowship is to provide small amounts of funding for the initial phases of new and perhaps controversial or risky work in conservation. This is based on the success of other small-grants programs, like the Rufford Small Grants, in kick-starting the work of large numbers of young, dynamic, and creative conservationists 

There is a separate application form for each activity funded by the Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program. Please download and use the appropriate form for your application. All application forms are in Microsoft Word format. Download below.




Instructions on filling in and submitting the forms are contained within these files. Some fields have a word limit; please make sure you do not exceed this limit. In addition, please note:

◾Type out your answers to all questions in the space provided (note that the space will expand if needed), then print out your form, add your signature and photograph, and courier a hard copy of the completed form to the Inlaks address below. The completed form should reach us on or before the deadline.

◾Master’s and Internship applicants must enclose a letter of acceptance from the host institution.

◾We will contact your referees directly — please ask them not to send their letters until they have heard directly from us.

◾Application materials must be sent in hard copy. Emailed applications will be ignored.

Click here for Fellowship Details

Send your application to:
 Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program
 Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation
 C/o Inlaks India Foundation
 86/87 Atlanta, Nariman Point
 Mumbai 400021.

For queries about the fellowships, please email: 


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