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Call for Application for Australia Direct Aid Program to Nepal

Funds for NGOs in Nepal
Last date 15 Aug 2017

Activities: Others

Call for Application for Direct Aid Program opens:

Australian Embassy Nepal calls for application for proposals for Direct Aid Program. Applications should be filled and submitted online from the given link: Applications are open from 4 July 2017 to 15 August 2017.

The day-to-day administration of the Direct Aid Program (DAP) is the responsibility of Australia's overseas missions (posts). The program coordination function is located within the Public Diplomacy, Communications and Scholarships Division of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Each post with responsibility for DAP is given an allocation for the financial year (July to June).

At each post a DAP Committee is formed to consider applications and to agree on the post's strategic DAP plan. The Committee would normally be chaired by a DFAT officer at the post, and may include other Australia-based staff at the post, locally engaged staff, or members of the local community. The Committee makes recommendations to the Head of Mission (Ambassador/High Commissioner), who makes the final decision on funding.

Generally, post DAP committees will consider projects identified by local community associations but may also consider projects identified by individuals, the private sector, NGOs or local government authorities (for example, for local government school and hospital projects), depending on the nature of the project.

There are a range of approaches for sourcing applications, according to local circumstances. Some posts may conduct annual application rounds, while other posts may respond to requests on a case-by-case basis. On occasion, posts may invite particular communities to identify a project.
Eligibility for funding

In selecting projects to fund, post DAP Committees will ensure that projects have developmental outcomes, and are consistent with the foreign and trade policy, and public diplomacy objectives of the post. All projects funded by DAP must qualify as Official Development Assistance (ODA) as defined by the OECD comprehensive guidance, including the Is it ODA? factsheet available on the OECD website.

Attention will be given to projects providing direct benefits to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, women, children and youth. Projects should address gender issues in their implementation.

DAP projects should be aimed primarily at achieving practical and tangible outcomes, such as on poverty alleviation, community health; schools/education; small-scale infrastructure; rural development; gender equality, environmental benefits including managing or adapting to climate change and ad hoc humanitarian relief.

The focus should be on activities that have a direct impact and may include capacity building projects, particularly in the areas of governance and human rights engagement.

Projects that support people with disabilities to improve the quality of their lives through accessing the same opportunities for participation, contribution, decision-making, and social and economic well-being as others are strongly encouraged.

As a general rule, the following projects are not funded:

    payment of ongoing staff salaries of core organisational staff. Note: contractor salaries that are part of the actual project can be considered but should not constitute a major cost component
    grants programs run by other governments or organisations
    micro-credit schemes or any other project that involves return of money or loans for cash
    administrative costs not directly related to project implementation
    purchase of vehicles. purchase or rental of property or land
    routine, recurring and/or running costs including: office rent, electricity, water, phone, internet, etc.; routine maintenance and repairs (including of equipment such as photocopiers, computers, stoves, fridges etc.) and office or equipment insurance; or  commercial ventures.

Consideration may at times be given to small-scale community activities that have prospects of eventually generating commercial benefits where the community can demonstrate to the satisfaction of post that proceeds from the activity will be reinvested in the project.
Project proposals

Applications are considered at Australia's overseas posts. Prospective applicants should contact the relevant Australian Embassy or High Commission for details of the application process for the country in which the project is to be undertaken.

Proposals must be clearly defined with specific outputs. Where the proposed activity has been submitted to other possible funding sources, or is being implemented in conjunction with activities funded through other sources, this must be clearly stated in the application.
Selection process

Assessments of applications by post DAP Committees are made primarily on the basis of the supporting information supplied by applicants. Prospective applicants should contact the relevant Australian Embassy or High Commission for their application forms and procedures.

Activities must be consistent with the post’s foreign and trade policy and public diplomacy objectives for the country. In addition, consideration is given to the following issues:

    applications should clearly detail the expected developmental impact of the project, for example in terms of promoting community development, education, health, gender equality, disadvantaged groups, and environmental sustainability
DAP projects must be sustainable, oriented towards self-help and should not rely on future DAP grants. Submissions should demonstrate a commitment on the part of the local community to implement the activities and sustain them
  appropriate institutional support arrangements must be described, for example, the level of recurrent costs generated and evidence of capacity to sustain these costs in the longer term
details of the extent to which the DAP activity might act as a catalyst for further development of the target community or a model for similar projects elsewhere
preference is given to innovative and creative projects, particularly those using low technology solutions.

Posts will advise applicants in writing of the project approvals and of the conditions relating to the grant as soon as possible after the completion of a selection round. If recipients are unable to commence and/or complete projects in the agreed timeframe, they should not proceed with the application. If the agreed terms and conditions of DAP funding are not met, recipients may be required to repay the grant to the post.
Conflict of interest

To maintain the integrity of the program, post DAP Committee members have certain obligations in relation to their individual conduct. DAP Committee members are required to report any potential conflict of interest affecting their participation and remove themselves from involvement in any assessment of that particular project.
Assessment considerations

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