Australian Direct Aid to Nepal Guidelines
Funds for NGOs Last date 15 Aug 2017
When assessing projects, post DAP Committees will consider:
Whether the recipient can deliver the project What Work Health & Safety risks might be inherent in the project(see below for further detail) What fraud and corruption risks might be associated with the project Whether the project involves children and if so, does the applicant have procedures in place to protect them Whether the applicant can meet sanctions and counter terrorism requirements Whether the project involves any risks to the environment and the applicant’s ability to manage these.
A key test for the DAP Committee and Head of Mission when approving projects is whether the proposed expenditure is an appropriate use of Australian Government funds and conforms with the DAP guidelines. Each post has in place an appropriate and transparent accountability process and must be able to justify its selection process when reporting on its annual DAP allocation expenditure.
Applicants are required to demonstrate their bona fides at the outset through referrals or references and detailed proposals. When providing funds to successful applicants, post DAP Committees will issue a letter of acceptance, which outlines the responsibilities of the applicants including due diligence assurances. The letter of acceptance will also outline successful applicants' obligations on providing progress reports, acquittals and returning funds if the project does not go ahead. The acceptance letter will also include a paragraph outlining counter-terrorism laws and policies, fraud and anti-corruption obligations and where relevant, reference to child protection policies in line with post's risk management strategy. The DAP Committee may also consider making payments in several tranches. Acquittal reports
The Acquittal Report is the major vehicle posts have for ensuring that recipients comply with accountability and evaluation requirements. All recipients of DAP funds are required to submit an acquittal report within two months of completion of the project that provides an accurate assessment of the actual outcomes and outputs of the activities (compared with the anticipated outcomes stated in the application), as well as evidence of expenditure, such as receipts. For projects over six months, a progress report (interim acquittal) should be provided every six months which gives a brief overview of progress achieved against identified milestones. Posts will provide recipients with details of the requirements for financial accountability and acquittals.
Posts will endeavour to ascertain whether the project has been completed as proposed. A report will be kept with other project papers at the post. A ‘best endeavours’ approach recognises that site visits are neither practical nor cost-effective in many circumstances. In such cases, posts are asked to seek feedback from regional governments, local councils, NGOs, Australian volunteers, business people or local cooperatives to vouch that a project has been completed. Badging and promotion of projects
Where practical and cost effective, posts will seek to arrange with project recipients some form of permanent reminder of the role the posts have played in funding a project. Limited DAP funds may be used to fund such badging activities. The Australian Aid identifier must be used to badge DAP projects. Work Health and Safety (WHS)
As part of the project risk assessment process, post DAP Committees will consider what WHS risks might be inherent in the project. Posts may request an organisation to present information on their risk mitigation strategies to assist with the assessment of the safety culture and WHS capability of the organisation. Posts will encourage in principle high safety standards in all DAP projects.
In assessing building and construction projects, post DAP Committees should consider whether the work would meetthe highest standard that is reasonably practicable. Post DAP Committees should assess the effectiveness of the applicant organisation in its management of safe work practices and application of environmental and building code standards. Consistent with advice from the Australian Asbestos Industry Association, asbestos is not considered a safe material to use in building and construction. DAP should not fund the use of asbestos as a building material.
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