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Reaching the Moveable Middle - Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others

Open Society Grants :In many European countries, the promise of significant progress on LGBTI rights and sexual reproductive rights (SRR) coexists with considerable threats and attacks on these very same rights. As historically marginalized groups become more visible and increasingly demand equality, it has simultaneously generated a public backlash against these groups. Such negative public sentiment has been effectively exploited and oftentimes led by those strongly opposed to international human rights standards. While it was initially thought that integration into the European Union would translate into sustained support for human rights values in all EU countries, this has not been the reality. Increasingly, European human rights defenders and civil society claim that as activists they need to be prepared to meet these new challenges and opportunities using innovative messages and mobilization techniques. Accordingly, the goals of this call for proposals are the following:

Reach the “moveable middle,” i.e., those who are natural human rights allies but who are not actively engaged on issues related to LGBTI or SRR.
Reach out to “unusual allies” and “unusual suspects,” i.e., those opinion leaders who may not be naturally sympathetic to these rights but who may be persuaded by the right messages and messengers.
Develop innovative methodologies, strategies, and tactics to mobilize and build the strength of the human rights movement, specifically the LGBTI and SRR constituencies.

The call for proposals is based on findings that emerged from a comprehensive needs assessment conducted with LGBTI and SRR activists in Europe. This is a multi-donor initiative being jointly supported by the Open Society Initiative for Europe, the Open Society Human Rights Initiative, and the Arcus Foundation.
Eligibility Criteria

Civil society organizations active in Europe (Council of Europe countries) are eligible to apply. Coalitions of NGOs are also encouraged to apply. Applications for stand-alone trainings and conferences, service provision, or individual academic study/research/travel are not eligible.

Purpose and Priorities

We invite both targeted projects aiming to respond to a particular threat and those proactively seeking to build on more general opportunities for further progress. Projects that rely on innovative methodologies and social media campaigning tools are highly encouraged. These may include, but are not limited to, the following types of projects:

Research and advocacy projects, where the objective is to understand the opinion, values and beliefs of a particular group of people—e.g., allies, the opposition, decision-makers, those who are directly affected by the threat or opportunity—about the particular issue, based on which concrete advocacy or campaigning efforts can be designed.

Campaigning and mobilization projects, where the objective is to reach out to a particular group of people—allies, supporters and those who are directly affected by the threat or opportunity—and mobilize them in innovative ways, or on a much larger scale than previous efforts, to take action to counter the arguments and mobilization efforts of conservative religious or other right-wing movements. Projects that expose the corruption and hypocrisy of the opposition, public awareness–raising campaigns, social media campaigns, etc., can be included, as long as they have well-defined outputs.

Engaging in dialogue with religious actors, opinion leaders other key stakeholders, where the objective is to build contacts and alliances with faith communities and others interested in supporting equality. This can include efforts to raise the visibility of LGBTI or SRR leaders who are active in their faith communities and can help shift the narrative on these issues. A range of activities, from efforts for mutual sensitization to supporting the voices of progressive faith leaders, can be included, as long as the project has a clear output.

Capacity-building needs of NGOs in any of the above-mentioned fields may be incorporated into the actual projects, including exchanges, consultancies, trainings/ workshops, coaching or other tools. Although stand-alone capacity-building projects are not encouraged, in exceptional cases those will be considered, for which justification as to the urgent need to tackle skill gaps as a separate project, will be required.

Joint projects that build solidarity networks between LGBTI rights and reproductive rights advocates are welcome. Although cross-movement collaboration is not a precondition, applicants are encouraged to consider whether collaboration may be beneficial.

Projects that focus on a particular threat or opportunity in a given country will be prioritized; nevertheless multi-country projects with a clear justification for the need to engage in multiple locations will be considered.


Applications may be submitted for projects lasting up to 24 months. The average grant will be in the range of $30,000 to $100,000. Concept papers outlining the main objectives and activities in two to three pages may be submitted by March 6, 2015. Applicants will be notified by March 31, 2015, and may be requested to present a full application. Please send submissions to


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