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Women-Led Clean Energy Business and Proposals

Funds for NGOs Last date 31 March 2017

Activities: Women/Gender,Others

The USAID Private Financing Advisory Network-Asia (USAID PFAN-Asia), the International Network on
Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), announce a call for proposals for women entrepreneurs in clean energy.
Selected woman entrepreneurs and organizations supporting the selected entrepreneurs will receive
mentoring support from USAID PFAN-Asia with an aim to secure funding for upscaling their operations.
Women entrepreneurs and organizations supporting the women entrepreneurs should be from the private sector, or be proposed as a public private partnerships, with a planned project in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Thailand, or Vietnam, and should be actively seeking capital up to $50 million size range.
Type of Projects and Businesses Activities: Biomass;Biofuels; Biogas; Energy Efficiency; Hydropower; Solar; Waste-to-Energy; Hybrid (a combination of two or more technical focuses); Energy Efficiency and Clean Transport.
Award for Selected Projects:
Selected projects/ organizations will receive the following
support from USAID PFAN-Asia:
ï‚· Free one-on-one coaching for a total of 10 man-days to develop the business plan.
ï‚· Introduction to equity investors and/or debt providers and assistance to negotiate terms of
ï‚· Technical assistance (i.e. legal opinion, review of feasibility study and others).
Note: the above support is provided in kind (not cash)

Please email to to obtain nomination form and application document.
Submit your complete application forms no later than 31 March 2017
For further info visit:

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