Ashok Khurana Schoarships Eligibiity
Funds for NGOs Last date 20th Nov 2015
Eligibility 1. The scholarship is only available for international students with Indian citizenship who are commencing a postgraduate coursework program. Students who have already commenced their studies at the University of Adelaide are ineligible to apply. 2. The scholarship will be awarded on academic merit, and supporting information. Only complete applications will be considered, and only applicants who have met the University’s minimum English language requirement at the scholarship application deadline will be eligible for consideration. 3. Applicants must have an unconditional offer at the University of Adelaide prior to applying for this scholarship. One scholarship will be awarded to an applicant each year. 4. The University reserves the right to vary the award, or not to offer a scholarship if the candidates have not achieved the level of academic achievement to merit the awards. 5. Candidates who have applied for, or will apply for Australian permanent resident status are ineligible to apply.
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