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Ashok Khurana Scholarships

Activities: Others

Ashok Khurana Scholarship for Outstanding Indian Students

This scholarship has been established by Professor Ashok Khurana to support the post-graduate education of outstanding Indian students who are undertaking full time post-graduate studies at the University.
The scholarship consists of $25,000 for one year, payable towards the recipient's airfares, living expenses and tuition fees. The successful applicant will also receive a 50% discount on the tuition fees for one year of their program.
The Scholarship will be open to candidates who will be undertaking a postgraduate coursework program of study, on a full time basis at the University in the areas of:
Agriculture (including Food Security and Wine);
Health Services (including Biotechnology);
Clean Technology;
Environment (including Urban Planning and Architecture);
Resources; and any other programs as agreed by the Donor and the University
Selection of the successful applicant will be made according to:
academic merit; and
a personal statement which demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities and an intention to significantly enhance India's development in their field of study upon completion of their studies.

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