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EOI for Technical Support Agency - BRLF ..pg2

Funds for NGOs
Last date 5th April 2016

Activities: Livelihood,Others

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1. Land and Water resource development: Planning, Management, Design of structures,

Usages and Distribution of water resources, Water Budgeting, Participatory Irrigation


2. Forest Rights (FRA, PESA) and Commons Property Rights

3. Sustainable Livelihoods through - sub themes in value chain approach:

a. System of crop intensification-SRI, SWI, etc

b. Climate resilient agriculture

c. Vegetable cultivation

d. Dairy

e. Fisheries

f. Poultry

g. Backyard Poultry

h. Duck rearing

i. Goat rearing

j. Piggery

k. NTFP (specify which products)

l. Farm Forestry/ Forestry

m. WADI/Horticulture etc.

n. Agro biodiversity conservation and ecological services

4. Implementing Government key social security, financial inclusion programmmes and

schemes- building linkages/enabling convergence

5. Solid Waste Management

6. Liquid waste management

7. Institution building: SHGs (their cluster organization and federations), other CBOs, FPOs

8. Organization Development: Governance, MIS, HR & Financial systems etc.

9. Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning: Evaluation, research, documentation, impact studies


10. Communications support for maintenance of web site, annual reports, publications, brochures,

web communications.

Job Responsibilities


  •  Provide technical support to the organization on a theme (or a set of themes) in planning,
  •   designing of the intervention, providing training and hand holding support to the CSOs to      rollout the intervention.
  • Provide support to CSOs to finalize the implementation strategies which can be scalable,replicable and sustainable
  • Provide support to the CSOs to implement the programs in a market driven and value chain approach
  • Build the capacity of CSO staff, build master trainers and CRPs to on the technical and processknowledge
  • Provide the CSO/s with information about different agencies – such as government schemes,other funding agencies, from where the resources for the intervention can be generated.
  • Help the CSOs in creating monitoring indicators for assessing the results of the intervention;strengthening MEL framework
  • Support in establishing local documentation systems, capturing of emerging context specificbest practices, innovation etc.
  • Any other task in achieving the outcomes of the programmme aligned with the mandate of BRLF 


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