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Nominate for Young Leaders Initiative

Funds for Ngos
Last date 15 July 2016

Activities: Youth,Others  believe that young people are a force for good in the world, that we have the imagination, courage and ingenuity to find lasting solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. We believe that our interdependence and shared humanity requires us to give all we can to make sure that ours is the first generation to end poverty, the most determined to tackle inequality and the last generation threatened by climate change.

In September 2015, 193 countries adopted 17 goals to end poverty, reduce inequality and tackle climate change, known as the Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve these goals by 2030, we need everyone involved, not just governments. In particular, we need young people with the energy and ingenuity to accelerate these Goals.

Successful candidates are exceptional leaders who are spearheading change for the greater good. 

They come from every corner of the world and any range of fields – from food to fashion to finance (as well as policy, media, civil society, industry, technology, the arts and entertainment). They have the ability to command an audience, influence their peers and inspire their constituents. 

Ultimately Young Leaders are driven by the desire to improve the world we live in, for our generation and for those to come. 

This September, the United Nations will announce the inaugural class of the Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals – 17 young change-makers whose leadership is catalyzing the achievement of the Goals.
From food to fashion to finance, the Young Leaders will come from many different backgrounds, represent every region in the world and help activate millions of young people in support of the Goals. 

Convened by the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, these Young Leaders will be recognized for their leadership and contribution to a more sustainable world. The Young Leaders will come together as a community to support efforts to engage young people in the realization of the SDGs both through strategic opportunities with the UN and through their existing initiatives, platforms and networks. Young Leaders will be expected to actively support one or more of the following objectives:

  • Advocate for the Goals, in ways most accessible and relatable to young people across different contexts;
  • Promote innovative ways of engaging their audiences and peers in the advocacy and realization of the Goals;
  • Contribute to a brain trust of young leaders supporting the UN and partners for key moments and initiatives related to the Goals.
Each year, a new “Class” will be nominated through an open call for nominations and assessed according to robust selection criteria by a diverse selection committee. 

The Young Leaders Initiative is powered by the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, in collaboration with our amazing partners . 

To know more about eligibility visit

Online Nominations visit link below:

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