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Expression of Interest – International Citizens Service Partnership

Funds for NGOs Last date 17 July 2016

Activities: Others

Introduction and Background: VSO India trust is part of VSO International, the world’s leading independent development organisation that works through volunteers to address poverty. VSO’s high-impact approach involves strengthening development programmes by providing the unique resource of skilled people. Since VSO began working in India in 1958, VSO India has partnered with over 100 NGOs – mostly focused on issues of health, education, livelihoods and governance, and placed over 200 international volunteers to build capacity of these partners and has placed 4,780 Indian volunteers and mobilised over 11,000 active citizens who have played an important role in creating awareness through educating approximately 320,000 poor and marginalised people on their rights.
VSO India Trust is currently looking at partnering with a NGO for the implementation of the ICS (International Citizens Service)
Programme Purpose: ICS is an initiative of the government of UK launched by the British Prime Minister in the year 2011. The programme aims to enhance development understanding amongst youngsters from the UK between the age group 18-25 through development engagement. In this process 10 international volunteers from the UK volunteer in India and they are paired with 10 national volunteers. The team of 20 volunteers live and work in a community/organization for a period of 3 months.

  • The volunteers are placed with communities and need to be engaged in work placements around VSO India’s thematic areas as identified jointly by us and our partner. The following are the prerequisites for the process: 
  • Recruitment of local youth volunteers to be paired with the international volunteers:
  • Develop host home stay arrangements for the volunteers at the community level:
  • Develop work placements for the volunteers for 3 months: (focussed around our strategy)
  • Develop monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to review the placement process.  
  • The group (20 volunteers) will be supervised by 2 team leaders (one Indian and one from the UK) these
Team Leaders will closely work with the volunteers and oversee all relevant processes in coordination with the local partner organisation and VSO India. During the period of three months the volunteers are given an allowance for subsistence and provided with accommodation (this has to be identified by the local partner).
We are currently identifying grass roots organisations who can partner with us for the implementation of the ICS programme for year 2016 – 2017.
Interested organisations to partner with VSO for ICS should send their application and organisation information template by the 17th of July 2016.
You should demonstrate the following in your application.
  • Experience of working with youth.
  • Experience of working with marginalized communities focusing on education, livelihoods and access to services.
  • Strong evidence of Gender equality and social inclusion.
  • Adequate infrastructure to host youth volunteers for trainings and community activity days.
  • Strong relationship with the communities in rural area for host home arrangements and placements.
  • Key essentials: 
  • Applicant organizations should have FCRA and necessary registration in India.
  • Applicant organisations should have a track record of working with national and international youth
  • Applicant organizations should have good rapport with the communities to build host home stay arrangements for the participant volunteers
Applicant organizations should have a proven track record of development impact in the area of education, livelihoods, social inclusion, and gender equality. 
Please send your application not exceeding 4 pages along with the organization information template by 5.00 PM on 17th July  at
Please note this is the first stage and only shortlisted organizations will be contacted to go into the next stage which will involve a detailed proposal and discussion. 

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