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Proposal for the Baseline Study on: “Current local and Scientific Knowledge on Climate variability

Activities: Water/Climate,Others

Request for Proposal (RFP)
GEF-FAO-BIRDS Strategic Pilot on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) Project
Bharathi Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS) invites agencies for submission of a Proposal for the Baseline Study on: “Current local and scientific knowledge on climate variability/change and its impact on natural resources in Andhra Pradesh”.


The project “Reversing Environmental Degradation and Rural Poverty through Adaptation to Climate Change in Drought Stricken Areas in Southern India: A Hydrological Unit Pilot Project Approach”, also referred to as Strategic Pilot on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) Project is implemented in 9 Hydrological Units, spread over 143 habitations, in Andhra Pradesh. The Project is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and co-financed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). 
The contracted agency will submit the draft report to PMO in November. The agency will archive all the datasets and deliver the same in a digital form with each of the deliverables as assigned above in the tasks. Organization of computerized baseline database will start with storing the data collected or results generated during implementation of baseline study, in mid August and will continue until the contract period. While the contracted agency is responsible for providing inputs required to create and update the computer data base, until the contract period, it will be taken forward, for rest of the project period, by PMO.

Copy right of all the data, analytical results and technical notes, write-ups and reports, generated as part of this contract, lies with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. No part this material can be used by anybody without prior permission.

Eligibility criteria 

Registered Non Governmental Organizations and Companies, in India, are eligible for applying. Technical and financial review of the applications received, will be carried out by the Review Committee appointed for the purpose. The review will be carried using the following eligibility criteria.

(i) Registered under Societies Registration Act or Company Registration Act in India
(ii) A minimum of 10 years experience in conducting field surveys
(iii) Employs a minimum of 3 professional staffs, with a minimum of 3 years experience in land and water management, participatory rural appraisal and statistical data analysis.
(iv) Should have carried out similar studies, earlier
(v) Proven skills of writing and publishing technical reports/papers
(vi) Proven skills of community level surveys
(vii) Should have good financial track record and handling of bilateral and multi-lateral funding
(viii) Should not have been black-listed or notified by Government of India or its departments

Request for proposal

BIRDS is requesting suitable agencies, meeting the eligibility criteria, to submit a detailed proposal (technical and financial bids) as per the outline given below: 

1. Contact information: i) name of the agency; ii) postal address; iii) telephone/Fax; iv) email address; and v) two references
2. Brief note on relevant past experience of the agency (give names and addresses of the clients)
3. Work Plan, divided into weekly time-frames
4. Budget Plan, divided into monthly time-frames
5. Budget Justification
6. Quality control plan
7. Staff information: i) name; ii) designation; iii) educational qualification; iv)      
        experience; v) key skills; and vi) key career achievements
8. Past experience and list of Publications (attach 3 important ones)

The Review Committee will select the agency, scoring the highest points against the selection criteria, after assessing the proposals for: technical approach and methodology (40); past experience of personnel relevant to the study (20); quality of previous publications (10); work plan and budget ( 30). 

Interested agencies satisfying the eligibility criteria and confident of delivering time bound high quality results are requested to send their proposal along with budget and breakdown of costs, CVs of key personnel, and a covering letter mentioning their specific areas of expertise to: 

The Project Manager 
GEF-FAO-BIRDS Strategic Pilot on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) Project
H. No. 1-2-7/1, Habsiguda Polyclinic Compound, 
Kakatiyanagar, Habsiguda, Hyderabad – 500 007, AP, India
Email : 

The technical and financial bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly mentioning the name of the proposal and RFP number, on the top of the envelope. The budget should not exceed INR 5,00,000. Closing date for receipt of proposals: 15 days from the date of publication.  (Check the exact date from the concerned organisation by writing to them at

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