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Activities: Others

Alcoa Foundation:


About Alcoa Foundation

Alcoa Foundation is a nonprofit U.S. corporate foundation with assets of approximately US$370 million. Its mission is to actively invest in the quality of life in Alcoa communities worldwide. Throughout it history, Alcoa Foundation has been a source of positive community change and enhancement, with over US$490 million invested since 1952.


Helping communities, building partnerships, changing lives. That's been the focus of Alcoa Foundation for more than half a century. Our mission is to actively invest in the quality of life in Alcoa communities worldwide, combining funding with hands-on support from our active employee volunteers. We've been a key partner in new Alcoa growth communities around the world.

In recent months, the financial crisis and slowdown in the global economy climate has significantly changed Alcoa’s business and considerably impacted those around us. In many places, our communities are facing hardship and uncertainty about the future, while our partners and grantees are experiencing greater demands with fewer resources to meet them.

Alcoa Foundation too has been impacted by the external environment, with the decline in the Foundation’s endowment base, significantly reducing our grant making capacity.

Despite these challenges, Alcoa Foundation is working with partners, grantees, employees, and stakeholders continuing our steadfast commitment to Alcoa communities. The Foundation is working with them to assess the local impact of the global downturn and ensure our resources are being targeted to areas of priority need. From the delivery of immediate basic necessities to building capacity for resilience and sustainability, Alcoa Foundation is committed to meeting these circumstances by deepening and leveraging existing partnerships and supporting Alcoa communities as they adapt to the changing world economy and emerging social challenges, partnering with them by refocusing resources and contributing to building a sustainable future.

2008 Highlights
  • Alcoa Continues Commitment to Communities more
  • Community giving by Alcoa and Alcoa Foundation totaled over US$50.6 million across 35 countries.
  • Alcoa employees volunteered over 705,000 hours to community service projects – the equivalent of more than 350 people working full time for a year
  • Close to 22,000 employees served in their community as part of Alcoa’s Worldwide Month of Service.
  • Alcoa Foundation has committed more than $22 million to addressing global climate change in the last three years.
  • Our flagship $9.2 million Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Program is supporting 90 research fellows around the world unlock answers to the most challenging sustainability issues facing the world today

    For further details visit:


In recent months, the financial crisis and slowdown in the global economy climate has significantly changed Alcoa’s business and considerably impacted those around us. In many places, our communities are facing hardship and uncertainty about the future, while our partners and grantees are experiencing greater demands with fewer resources to meet them.

Alcoa Foundation too has been impacted by the external environment, with the decline in the Foundation’s endowment base, significantly reducing our grant making capacity.

Despite these challenges, Alcoa Foundation is working with partners, grantees, employees, and stakeholders continuing our steadfast commitment to Alcoa communities. The Foundation is working with them to assess the local impact of the global downturn and ensure our resources are being targeted to areas of priority need. From the delivery of immediate basic necessities to building capacity for resilience and sustainability, Alcoa Foundation is committed to meeting these circumstances by deepening and leveraging existing partnerships and supporting Alcoa communities as they adapt to the changing world economy and emerging social challenges, partnering with them by refocusing resources and contributing to building a sustainable future.

2008 Highlights
  • Alcoa Continues Commitment to Communities more
  • Community giving by Alcoa and Alcoa Foundation totaled over US$50.6 million across 35 countries.
  • Alcoa employees volunteered over 705,000 hours to community service projects – the equivalent of more than 350 people working full time for a year
  • Close to 22,000 employees served in their community as part of Alcoa’s Worldwide Month of Service.
  • Alcoa Foundation has committed more than $22 million to addressing global climate change in the last three years.
  • Our flagship $9.2 million Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Program is supporting 90 research fellows around the world unlock answers to the most challenging sustainability issues facing the world today proximately US$370 million. Its mission is to actively invest in the quality of life in Alcoa communities worldwide. Throughout it history, Alcoa Foundation has been a source of positive community change and enhancement, with over US$490 million invested since 1952.

Helping communities, building partnerships, changing lives. That's been the focus of Alcoa Foundation for more than half a century. Our mission is to actively invest in the quality of life in Alcoa communities worldwide, combining funding with hands-on support from our active employee volunteers. We've been a key partner in new Alcoa growth communities around the world.

In recent months, the financial crisis and slowdown in the global economy climate has significantly changed Alcoa’s business and considerably impacted those around us. In many places, our communities are facing hardship and uncertainty about the future, while our partners and grantees are experiencing greater demands with fewer resources to meet them.

Alcoa Foundation too has been impacted by the external environment, with the decline in the Foundation’s endowment base, significantly reducing our grant making capacity.

Despite these challenges, Alcoa Foundation is working with partners, grantees, employees, and stakeholders continuing our steadfast commitment to Alcoa communities. The Foundation is working with them to assess the local impact of the global downturn and ensure our resources are being targeted to areas of priority need. From the delivery of immediate basic necessities to building capacity for resilience and sustainability, Alcoa Foundation is committed to meeting these circumstances by deepening and leveraging existing partnerships and supporting Alcoa communities as they adapt to the changing world economy and emerging social challenges, partnering with them by refocusing resources and contributing to building a sustainable future.

2008 Highlights
  • Alcoa Continues Commitment to Communities more
  • Community giving by Alcoa and Alcoa Foundation totaled over US$50.6 million across 35 countries.
  • Alcoa employees volunteered over 705,000 hours to community service projects – the equivalent of more than 350 people working full time for a year
  • Close to 22,000 employees served in their community as part of Alcoa’s Worldwide Month of Service.
  • Alcoa Foundation has committed more than $22 million to addressing global climate change in the last three years.
  • Our flagship $9.2 million Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Program is supporting 90 research fellows around the world unlock answers to the most challenging sustainability issues facing the world today

About Alcoa Foundation
Alcoa Foundation is a nonprofit U.S. corporate foundation with assets of approximately US$370 million. Its mission is to actively invest in the quality of life in Alcoa communities worldwide. Throughout it history, Alcoa Foundation has been a source of positive community change and enhancement, with over US$490 million invested since 1952.
   Helping communities, building partnerships, changing lives. That's been the focus of Alcoa Foundation for more than half a century. Our mission is to actively invest in the quality of life in Alcoa communities worldwide, combining funding with hands-on support from our active employee volunteers. We've been a key partner in new Alcoa growth communities around the world.

In recent months, the financial crisis and slowdown in the global economy climate has significantly changed Alcoa’s business and considerably impacted those around us. In many places, our communities are facing hardship and uncertainty about the future, while our partners and grantees are experiencing greater demands with fewer resources to meet them.

Alcoa Foundation too has been impacted by the external environment, with the decline in the Foundation’s endowment base, significantly reducing our grant making capacity.

Despite these challenges, Alcoa Foundation is working with partners, grantees, employees, and stakeholders continuing our steadfast commitment to Alcoa communities. The Foundation is working with them to assess the local impact of the global downturn and ensure our resources are being targeted to areas of priority need. From the delivery of immediate basic necessities to building capacity for resilience and sustainability, Alcoa Foundation is committed to meeting these circumstances by deepening and leveraging existing partnerships and supporting Alcoa communities as they adapt to the changing world economy and emerging social challenges, partnering with them by refocusing resources and contributing to building a sustainable future.

View 2008 Grant Payments By Region      View 2008 Regional Company Contribution

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