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Child Fund Ireland

Activities: Children


Priorities of Child Fund Ireland

Using a child-focused development approach and working with communities, ChildFund aims to tackle the root causes of poverty. ChildFund believes that children experience poverty in three domains – Deprivation, Exclusion and Vulnerability. The DEV Framework has been developed to assist ChildFund staff in deepening their understanding of child poverty and consequently designing and supporting more relevant and effective programmes.

In 2002 ChildFund undertook a major study into poverty and its effects on children. The three-part report and five working papers below offer a thought-provoking look into this complex problem that plagues the world's children. They also provide a basis for many programme activities of ChildFund Alliance partners. 

CCF India has positively impacted over a million children and their families since 1966. Working in partnership with 130 local partners, CCF India currently supports health, education and micro-enterprise projects that impact the communities and families of India. Currently, CCF assists 67,000 children in 97 projects. CCF affiliated projects are located in both urban and rural areas. Over 300 children in these projects are sponsored by Irish sponsors.


CCF India focuses on child health by facilitating the vaccinations in a large-scale polio immunisation programme. Additionally, regular health care is provided to children through medical check-ups and referral services. Periodic nutritional assessments are made, and for children identified as malnourished, special feedings are provided. Children with disabilities receive special physical therapy and when equipment is needed to ensure healthy development, CCF provides the needed equipment such as crutches and hearing aids.

Children in CCF assisted areas are encouraged to continue their education. CCF India assisted children receive educational materials such as uniforms books and the payment of school fees. Special classes are offered for children who are struggling to learn, and regular follow-up visits are undertaken to improve the quality of education among the children.


In an effort to alleviate the strain of cultural biases, CCF India has implemented self-help groups to target women who have low literacy rates. The women may have lowered rates because of gender discrimination, social taboos or cultural biases. The groups promote literacy as well as leadership, social advocacy and women's rights. Women who participate in the groups are also taught business skills, record keeping, entrepreneurship and management of thrift and credit activities.


Sri Lanka

CCF Sri Lanka began in 1985. Currently, 12,139 children in 44 projects are assisted with over 120 being sponsored through ChildFund Ireland. Fighting has taken thousands of lives on both sides of the conflict over historical divisions. The recent peace process has saved a large number of lives and lessened the burden of a war lasting two decades, but the Sri Lanka's future is still uncertain. The tsunami of December 2004 only added to the hardship experienced by the Sri Lankan people.

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of India. Most Sri Lankans live in poorly constructed houses, many of which are only temporary structures. The walls are often mud and stick, roofs are thatched with dried coconut leaves and floors of hard-packed earth. Not all households have proper sanitary facilities. There is no plumbing and no running water, obtaining safe drinking water is problematic. Most Sri Lankan families have only one meal a day, and caregivers are not always able to provide the nutrition necessary for healthy, growing children. The Hearth programme, which was first implemented in Sri Lanka but is now used in many ChildFund supported projects, uses mothers whose children have benefited from their micro-nutrition training as volunteers to influence the mothers and caregivers of malnourished children. The mothers who act as volunteers help to bring about positive change in the feeding and childcare practices of the mothers whose children do not yet benefit from the lessons learned by the volunteer mothers.

In ChildFund assisted projects, parents design various programmes to move towards self-sufficiency. Growth monitoring and special feeding programmes have reduced malnutrition among children, and all children under the age of five are immunised against communicable diseases. Prenatal and postnatal clinics are available for mothers. Expectant mothers are provided vitamins to promote healthy pregnancies. Additionally, dental clinics and regular check-ups for children are conducted, and first aid groups are trained in case of an emergency.

Children in ChildFund assisted projects receive school supplies, two sets of school uniforms and the required exercise books. For children who travel for more advanced studies than those provided in their area, bus fare is provided. Tutoring is offered for students who need extra help, in addition to project libraries that are housed in the pre-schools. For children who have to drop-out of school, vocational training in carpentry, masonry and motor mechanics is offered.

With a specific grant from the Irish Government through ChildFund Ireland, over 1,000 people who were directly affected by the tsunami in Trincomalee district are participating in a programme to enable them to rebuild their livelihoods. 


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