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Request for Proposals from HIVAIDS Alliance India

Activities: HIV AIDS/SRH

HIV/AIDS Alliance India request for proposals from organisations wishing to reister as sub-recipient for FATM Round 4 Phase II Grant in the State of Bihar
Introduction:The India HIV/AIDS Alliance (Alliance India) is a diverse partnership that brings together committed organisations and communities to support sustained responses to HIV in India. Complementing the Indian national programme, we work through capacity building, knowledge sharing, technical support and advocacy. Through our network of partners, we support the delivery of effective, innovative, community-based HIV programmes to key populations affected by the epidemic.
Working in India since 1999, we works through NGO and CBO partners to support efforts that have a sustainable impact on HIV. We place communities at the centre and work to ensure that vulnerable and marginalised people are meaningfully involved in all aspects of our response, including sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgenders, injecting drug users (IDUs) and people living with HIV. Our programming and policy efforts are driven by evidence of what works; quality and accountability are core priorities in our interventions, technical support and grant management.
Alliance India (AI) as Principal Recipient (PR) has been awarded the Phase II of the Round 4 RCC Grant funded by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), known as Vihaan, which means Dawn’s First Light.  
The programme is designed as the care & support component of the country’s HIV response under National AIDS Control Programme IV (NACP IV). Working in collaboration with the Department of AIDS Control and with support from the Global Fund, the programme operates in 31 states and territories and will reach more than one million PLHIV by 2016.
The Vihaan consortium is led by Alliance India and 16 state-level PLHIV networks and NGOs that in turn partner with district-level PLHIV networks and other organizations to deliver care & support services in communities. 
Submission of Proposals: Applicants are required to ensure that hard copy of their applications in Form 1 along with all supporting information defined in Section F, are received by Alliance India via Registered AD or through Courier, in a sealed envelope, by or before, 10th August 2015 addressed as follows:
The Senior Administrative Officer
India HIV/AIDS Alliance
6 Community Centre, Kailash Colony Extension
New Delhi – 110 048
All supporting documents need to be self-attested by the Authorised Office Bearer of the applicant organization.
Applicants are additionally required to email a soft copy of Form 1 (along with supporting documents 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 defined in Section F) in MS Word to indicating the name of the applying organization in the subject line. The email also should be done before the closing date as mentioned above
Queries in respect of RfP are to be sent to Alliance India shall endeavour to collate and respond to all meaningful queries received from prospective applicants by or before.
Responses to queries shall merely be compiled and send to all the applicants who raised the queries through e-mail only. 
The decisions made at the end of the process of assessment will be considered final and binding. Attempts to influence decisions will not be considered favourably. 
For Detailed information regarding the programme role and responsibilities of SR, eligibility and other such proposal submission requirements please download the complete version of RfP attached here 

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